NoMercy 2Q21 @NoMercy2Q21
This next part is going to be very tricky.

This next part is going to be very trippy.

Don't be scared. Patriots are in control.

Don't give in to the fear.

Don't give in to the shills and trolls.

Remember what you've been told by 45

Remember that he keeps his promises

Remember what you've learned from 17

Take this knowledge with you through this next final chapter of the greatest story ever told.

You're going to need it more than ever.

Don't rush the process. Don't press it.

Don't fight it. We have it all.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
05:23 PM - Apr 13, 2021
Only people mentioned by NoMercy2Q21 in this post can reply
Franz Glaus @Ruby_Ray_Media
15 April, 09:45
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Martin Geddes: The Total Reset of Everything

"What happens when a multi-generational global war of subversion and infiltration reaches its endgame? That is not an easy question to answer, since by its construction we don’t have access to recent and relevant historical precedent. While nothing can stop what is coming, nobody may be prepared for it either. I make the case here that what is fast approaching is a Total Reset of Everything."

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Patriotic Carebear @Carebear17
15 April, 01:47
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Is this the part with a nuclear war, another 9/11, alien invasion, or all 3? Not sure my nerves can handle much more of this😬

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Crystal Canipe @Crystalcis
15 April, 01:23
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
I know there is a plan, but right now Im gonna end up with no job bc my job is requiring the Vaccine and I refuse! WWG1WGA

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CCq Researcher @CCqResearcher
15 April, 10:16
In response Crystal Canipe to her Publication
Point out to them that the vaccine is an EUA Emergency Use Authorization; therefore, can NOT require tou to take it since it goes against Americans Disability Act or your religious freedom. There is no legislative law that mandates anyone take the vaccine. There is no law that requires anyone show proof of your medical records. You can let them know that it would be contraindicative of your medical condition to take a non-FDA Approved Vaccine in which you will hold them personally liable for injury since pharm and insurance companies won't cover injuries or death. Fight back or find something you love more to do. Stay Strong!

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round em up head em out @lovemesomecowboys
01 May, 08:07
In response Crystal Canipe to her Publication
I am living on faith, because I was mistreated by fellow associates here in Beautiful Northern Colorado. I just gave a 2 weeks yesterday. I am sure they thought I was nuts when I told them about Gesara Nesara. I also saw a ship in the sky cloak itself as it passed the boundries of a square cloud it made. I know, I know, even I would wonder about the person who told me about these things. But, I saw it, and it was real. Imagine what they thought when I told them I would not get the vaccine because it is more harmful than the virus. They are now afraid of me giving them the gombu. Oh, well.

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Canadian Patriot @WWG1WGA12
15 April, 01:18
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Hold The Line,Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming ❤❤

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Agnes OfGod donated @AgnesOfGod
14 April, 10:42
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
It’s hard to do when you have loved ones getting the vax

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
14 April, 10:03
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
WHO has it all.

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Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
14 April, 09:59
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
14 April, 09:56
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
13 April, 10:24
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
She said the cops are coming down the street right now about to funnel some motherfuckers. I’m going to check it out

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
13 April, 10:20
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
im getting that is getting real. admitting theyre antifa

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
13 April, 10:20
In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication
sent from a friend

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Qs Pawn4- Z17 @jgkagen5
13 April, 09:37
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
scribe! take this down. let the new chapters of tomorrow's history be written and recorded. as nursery rhymes to ballads to case studies in military strategic training references. God speed and protection All.
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy! in Christ's name we pray.

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Only followers of this user (KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

Enchanted Mermaid donated @PygmyGazette
14 April, 10:00
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

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Smitten Pat @SmittenPat
14 April, 10:52
In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

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Lilac Moon @LilacMoon
13 April, 07:12
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

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Jack Bauer @JackBauerCTU225
13 April, 07:01
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
stay strong
fight in this Spiritual War
God Wins

we will win
end of their world not ours
ours is just getting started

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
13 April, 06:08
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
““Blessed are those who patiently make it through the 1,335 days. “And you? Go about your business without fretting or worrying. Relax. When it’s all over, you will be on your feet to receive your reward.””
‭‭Daniel‬ ‭12:12-13‬ ‭MSG‬‬

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Dan Auito @DanUSCG
14 April, 10:06
In response The Best Is Yet To Come! to his Publication

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Rachel T22 donated @RachelT
14 April, 10:37
In response The Best Is Yet To Come! to his Publication
Amen 🙏🙏❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Rick Baron @HoldTheLine
13 April, 06:06
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
May God protect us all. AMEN!

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The Best Is Yet To Come! @TheBestIsYetToCome
13 April, 05:50
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Yes and Amen! Great reality check! Stay humble, press into God and rely on your armor of God. Hold the Line! Stand strong and stand firm! The Best is Yet to Come even if it doesnt look like it or the situation appears to be getting darker.. Never lose that Hope! Tribulation ends and we will be victorious having endured and ran our race!

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Only followers of this user (Cordlesssss) can see their posts

JFK 2 DJT @jfk2djt
13 April, 05:44
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

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Chrys Thunder @ChrysThunder
14 April, 01:29
In response JFK 2 DJT to his Publication
If you have Telegram could you please tell Spec if he is friend with HSRetoucher?
Thanks !

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13 April, 05:44
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

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Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
13 April, 05:37
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Published April 13, 2021

They WARN against the vaccine and NOW correcting the AZ votes, with an AUDIT of over the 2.1M votes ... in process!
High treason is expressed!

IVERMECTIN / vaccine seminar in Tulsa Oklahoma mid-April, how patients recover in 2 days; used for decades.

LISTEN TO THEIR MESSAGE ! Do Not Take the Vaccine.

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Stevie King @ShineBright9
13 April, 05:45
In response Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE to her Publication
Watched it and it was awesome, shared it on my other social media but still have those who just refuse to listen, may God save them.

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Anessa dalton @squeezics
14 April, 10:34
In response Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE to her Publication
McInerney got the poke........

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