Ghost Ezra
05 March, 08:53
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Michael Catino
05 March, 09:12
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
What is with Juan O'Savin saying this wont be over maybe until the end of Spring and if not he will change his tune to more towards a Civil War?
Patriots share the hell out of this we need to let everyone hear this. Looks like we are being played the goal post went from March 4 "under the constitution" to we never said March 4th in the same breath it will be on Easter (its Biblical) and now maybe the end of Spring.
Looks like we are being played but then again I don't know shit except what I read here and there. This was just released on Charlie Wards Telegram account :
Let me know what you think. I want to get back to my chill state of mind.
Patriots share the hell out of this we need to let everyone hear this. Looks like we are being played the goal post went from March 4 "under the constitution" to we never said March 4th in the same breath it will be on Easter (its Biblical) and now maybe the end of Spring.
Looks like we are being played but then again I don't know shit except what I read here and there. This was just released on Charlie Wards Telegram account :
Let me know what you think. I want to get back to my chill state of mind.
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Ghost Ezra
05 March, 09:40
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
I listen to Juan for entertainment. He still thinks that's really Biden. I think he means well, I just think he's a bit confused or intentionally doing it on purpose. Everything is in the drops. Literally everything. It's all there. Similar to God's word. All there. Yet people want new books. No civil war. Clean and swift. No civil unrest. It's all in the drops. You either follow Q or you don't. There's no kind of sort of. It's a plan. Thousands are involved. Less than 10 know the complete picture. It was over before it began. Cleanup > wakeup.
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09:49 PM - Mar 05, 2021
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Only people mentioned by MCanon in this post can reply
Paint Head
07 March, 12:38
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
You know what would be a good game? Show people the photos of first Biden to see who they say it is. Then show them the second. I'm gonna try it. 💪🏻💥
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Paint Head
07 March, 12:34
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
If it's still him thats a YUGE change physically, but I agree it's not that same person. The real Joe spoke kinda wise guy-ish, a PA thing. But we can all agree ''both biden's'' are jerks and idiots.
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Crows Nest
06 March, 06:43
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
Biggest giveaway for me on all of these and I have spent hours doing the same thing, is the side on images. Totally different ear & ear position. Ears might change slightly over time but they don't move!
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Operation Que
06 March, 05:07
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
🔍"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"
💊 https://www.humorousmathem...
🔍 Connect & Please Share My Over 🎯 Censored RedPilling Articles:
💊 https://www.humorousmathem...
🔍 Connect & Please Share My Over 🎯 Censored RedPilling Articles:

We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency
Let's be very clear before we dive into this highly debated topic, the real Joseph R. Biden is dead and was executed via Human Rights International military tribunal in 2019 for crimes against children/humanity. Since then the individual we have seen campaign, debate, commit election fraud/treason, .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Odis Trull
06 March, 04:23
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
Oh he knows they all do.
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Ella Elaine
06 March, 01:58
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
nothing surprises me anymore
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Terry Ann saunders
06 March, 11:59
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
I think it's James woods. Actor and major Trump supporter.
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Mary Jo Rayle
06 March, 11:24
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
who is that masked man?!😉
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Freedom Fighter
06 March, 06:59
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
Boris Johnson on the left when he had to isloate due to 'contact' with another person who supposedly got #COVID19
This was on 16th November 2020, after he backed #Biden in the election. I doubt it was Boris, the real Boris has an overhang on the outer edges of his eyes which can cover a good part of his iris.
This was on 16th November 2020, after he backed #Biden in the election. I doubt it was Boris, the real Boris has an overhang on the outer edges of his eyes which can cover a good part of his iris.
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Lili MoM
06 March, 01:08
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
LOL ... you worked in a bewwb ... 😂
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EyeQ Spirit
05 March, 11:53
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
But what about the Biden voice ?
How would they do that ?
How would they do that ?
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The STORM is here!
06 March, 12:23
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
Voice coach. I have a cousin who can speak like anyone, just by hearing them speak for awhile. He teaches that and mannerisms as well.
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Meredith Johnston
06 March, 11:52
In response EyeQ Spirit to his Publication
they can change voice with technology too
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Mrs Maker
05 March, 11:26
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
I wonder if more than one actor is playing Bidan now!
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Joe Jay
05 March, 11:22
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
I think we need to get our story straight and not send mixed messages about what's happening here with Biden. On the one hand we have some pictures showing how realistic these masks are, implying that the actor playing Biden is wearing a mask. On the other hand we have side-by-side pictures showing how the real Biden and the fake Biden look just close enough to fool people who aren't paying attention, but upon closer examination don't look similar at all.
Well if it was a mask, the two Bidens would look identical, just like Schwarzenegger holding up his mask in the upper left. But the other pictures show a man who looks anything but identical to the Biden from a few years ago.
So which is it? Is it a mask (which should be identical) or is it a real face of a man who only bears a passing resemblence to the actual man?
Well if it was a mask, the two Bidens would look identical, just like Schwarzenegger holding up his mask in the upper left. But the other pictures show a man who looks anything but identical to the Biden from a few years ago.
So which is it? Is it a mask (which should be identical) or is it a real face of a man who only bears a passing resemblence to the actual man?
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America First
05 March, 11:44
In response Joe Jay to his Publication
I think we are seeing some pre-recorded events. Some CGI. Some with the Biden actor. Some with the Biden clone.
When CUE said on the board that this is a movie, I didn't know what to expect.
It is a bizarre movie.
When CUE said on the board that this is a movie, I didn't know what to expect.
It is a bizarre movie.
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Borescoped ...
05 March, 11:10
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
Gotta tell ya, I've changed my mind after seeing that split picture of Bidan and Jim Carey. I don't think its James Woods playing Bidan anymore.
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Lisa Evans
06 March, 12:05
In response Borescoped ... to his Publication
was it the one I shared? or which one were you talking about?
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Ghost Ezra
05 March, 11:04
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
True beauty there.
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Alliance4 Trump⭐️⭐️⭐️
05 March, 10:28
In response Michael Catino to his Publication
This is awesome!! Great work Patriot!!
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