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joann ferguson donated @joann212
24 March, 10:37
In response Camden Beach to her Publication
Banks already do that

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TxGirl4Trump -UM donated @TexasGirl4Trump
09 February, 02:41
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

He said....Blockchain....He also said Backed by Gold etc. etc! 😂

Was that a Q Proof—Gold will destroy the Fed (and a VK “I am not a Financial Expert” proof) or what?? 😂 👍

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Q_KingDavid 0o0 @TheHermitPepe
09 February, 02:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

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Shaggy Zack @shaggyzack
10 March, 03:08
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
What will gold be worth then?

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CMag1 Trump @CMAG1
09 February, 05:09
In response Shaggy Zack to his Publication
Hopefully no longer suppressed!

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07 March, 10:43
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Any idea when we may see a PUBLIC arrest, perp walk, trial and hanging of a SINGLE treasonous DC pure trash swamp satanic cult rat? Folks are sick and tired of the entire scam.

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ender wiggins @j0nahsbigfish1
06 March, 11:25
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

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Cody Maltzman @LavenderHillFarm
28 February, 05:51
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
i wonder which one will be allowed

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Vincento Laliberto @VincentLaliberte
26 February, 08:25
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Worldwide? Alson available in Canada? It must be controlled by the people with their own node. Otherwise, governments will eventually change the rules. That's why there's Bitcoin.

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26 February, 12:24
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Prime reason in the hand gold is better Silver or any other metals of value!

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robin fineman @RobinD
25 February, 09:51
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I could not take my eyes off of their facial expressions.
Something is weird!

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Exploration Gematria @Gematriaexploration
25 February, 06:47
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
7:54 TS > SEC_TEST

are they testing the SEC, as opposed to a security test?

tether got a small slap on the wrist, which disbands my idea about that being a method of destroying bitcoin!

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Little Bird @LittleBird203
24 February, 11:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
This is all so exciting! Ive been investing for several years now on my own, but the more I research investing in crypto, the more confused I become.
Would anyone be kind enough to share some guidance on solid crypto platforms I can use for investing? Thank you 😘🎈

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robin fineman @RobinD
25 February, 09:55
In response Little Bird to her Publication
🧐I help with what I know and what I've done.
I'll dm it to you.

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robin fineman @RobinD
25 February, 10:17
In response Little Bird to her Publication
Your dm is turned off.

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Sadie Marie @sadiemarie04
24 February, 11:10
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Gold backed crypto would be the nail in humanity's coffin (crypt)

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Ant R AYres129 @Antares129
24 February, 08:17
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
to the moon

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Qbero Gil Vega @Qbero17
24 February, 07:10
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
What is the Root of all evil? What is the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. Or as the Fed goes, the private Central Bank that controls your money makes the rules. We are all slaves to the Fed. We were sold a long time ago.

Must watch documentary for all Americans. They dont teach this in any schools or university for a reason. MBAs and Phds dont know this. Speaking from exp. Most poloticians are ignorant as well or are in on the scam. I think Ron Paul knew. Long but i learned more from this docu about our finacial system than all of my schooling combind.

#endthefed #fedscam #privatecentralbankscam #moneychangers #goldenrule

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TruthIs MyPath donated @TruthIsMyPath
24 February, 05:35
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
paxg is gold backed and listed already on binance. its already happening!

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Murray Frogbard @Frogbard
24 February, 03:57
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Moreover, does anyone else think it's strange that VK posted this yesterday and today the FED payment system crashed? kek.

Sure it's a COINkidink ;-)

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Four Herrings @4herrings
24 February, 07:18
In response Murray Frogbard to his Publication
Even more so with some of social media bei g out last night.

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
24 February, 03:50
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Ripple’s chief market strategist Cory Johnson had the privilege of introducing Ripple and XRP to President Donald Trump’s administration.

In a recent interview with BREAKER, Johnson clarifies certain issues that have been hounding the San Franciso-based firm, which caused a lot of confusion. He says that the difference between the XRP token and Ripple is one of the major causes of the confusion.

During the interview, Johnson has also discussed his meeting with members of the Trump administration, which revolved around Ripple and digital currency. He narrates how he had “very low expectations” at the start of his meeting with government officials. However, Johnson states that he has been amazed at the open-mindedness and the intelligent questions asked by the officials. It signifies that the government people have been intensely scrutinizing cryptocurrency, specifically, Ripple.

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Qbero Gil Vega @Qbero17
24 February, 07:12
In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication
Im sold on XRP.

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Qbero Gil Vega @Qbero17
24 February, 07:21
In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication
Ripple is the company behind XRP?

XRP is the token. Is it a utility token or security token?

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Murray Frogbard @Frogbard
24 February, 03:43
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
What was the deal with that new nation thingie working on hard assset-backed crypto that started in South Africa? Fake news or a heads' up, wink, and nod of what's to come?

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Murray Frogbard @Frogbard
24 February, 03:38
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Thank you for answering my question, VK. :) All love 'round here.

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IAm InExile @Xz1l3d0n3
24 February, 01:54
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
I thought you disagreed with this theory.

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Appaloosa 5250 @Appaloosa
24 February, 01:18
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
glad to see someone else thinks the way I do. I have been telling my family to watch for a gold backed crypto for a year...

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Whites QWall donated @QTip75
24 February, 12:38
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
GBC = 12
2:10 clip
1221 take it away!

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
24 February, 02:50
In response Whites QWall to his Publication

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Ted Guertin @TruthWillPrevail
24 February, 12:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
why so long? i thought the QFS was aready up and running in tandum with the old system.

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
24 February, 02:52
In response Ted Guertin to his Publication
QFS is only one part of NESARA. Not everything will happen at once, I don't believe

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Paul Robb @Keeperoffools3
24 February, 11:45
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
silver creeping up, gold, silver, platinum backed blockchain us currance is close

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Cher Anne @ChosenCherAnne
24 February, 11:41
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
There are NO companies with gold backed now???

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Four Herrings @4herrings
24 February, 11:29
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
2023..2/23 or 3/22 🕵

surely he's not referring to the year 2023..

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
24 February, 02:55
In response Colonel17Q Carter777-Z to her Publication
If you mean XRP, everyone can afford it. Buy through They help you through their Chat.

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