Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
09 January, 09:49
😻 What if the “incompetent gov” story is a cover
for DS infrastructure that had to be destroyed?
Pedowood was trafficking-demon-central 💔


🇦🇺🪖 Lt Col Riccardo Bosi
19:40 We the White Hats, all of us, you, Flynn, Trump,
have been fighting a guerrilla war.
It will require Reaper drones
dropping 500 lb. GBU’s onto targets.
It's been done in the subterranean world [D.U.M.B.S]
22:30 There are targets in U.S. that have to be taken out
& they need A GREAT COVER STORY for it..
They have to transition from guerilla warfare
to conventional warfare.
The ‘world scare event’ or ‘events’ will be COVER for those ops 🪖


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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
How many innocent people lost everything and some even their lives? Can we continue to go after these monsters in this way at the expense of innocent victims? Seems like a tremendous price to me. There must be a way to destroy the evil without sacrificing the innocent. God help us all. We are willing to "hold our ground" but we have to protect those who are not associated with Satan and his army of monsters. Please send down your mighty army of angels to lead and guide us to a final victory.
03:33 AM - Jan 10, 2025
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Only people mentioned by bmolina0003 in this post can reply
Anuenue Patriot @Anuenue
14 January, 01:12
In response Brandy Molina to her Publication
It is often hard to think about, the fact that God is truly in charge of every moment and every life and He is fully present with each person. He only does good to everyone, even the evil. But they do experience the inherent consequences of their evil desires and deeds.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
14 January, 05:59
In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication
You are so right on. However, we must be conscientious of our own actions that we do not place undo hardships on those around us and especially the innocent who have done nothing wrong. Of course war creates an environment wherein many innocent victims are lost in the war zone. That is exactly why Jesus taught us with every word from His mouth to "love one another as He loved us". That is without malice or obligation - but with a spirit of LOVE - freely without cost. A very difficult goal for me but one that I must continue to pursue until I get this right. His mercy and longsuffering carry me along the way. Those who serve Satan of their own choosing will never feel the Holy Spirit that God sends to me every single day to lift me up and help me follow the path of righteousness even in the midst of evil which exists all around me. There is nothing to compare with a daily walk with Jesus. NOTHING. Though my weak humanNESS fails me, He never fails to lift me back up to my feet.

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Dave Mars @CCU
14 January, 06:01 (E)
In response Anuenue Patriot to her Publication
I don't believe that it's always that God is in control and that we have to console ourselves with that as much as it is the fact that people have free will to make their own decisions. God will intervene on someones behalf if they invite him into their lives but if not he leaves them to their on devices. Not meaning that every time something goes wrong you call out to him and he comes running like a lap dog. You live your life to his specification not yours. He has given us a guide to follow . He expects that guide your heart and soul to be given freely.
He doesn't stop much on this planet because most of us are so far away from him that we only call to him when we are in need.
We can only hope we are ready when the time comes. It isn't about whether we think someone is innocent it's God that makes those decisions

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12 January, 11:26
In response Brandy Molina to her Publication
Great point Brandy…..
How many people look the
other way when
innocent lives are affected by the
people they live around?
In the case of
Sean Puffy Ditty Combs,
Tom Rita Hanks or other
horrible peoples….
They were doing terrible satanic things.

Do you think the general public
will ever understand how evil
many areas being burned were?
No they will not, sadly.

It is called
Satanic Ritual Abuse.

My apology to drop this here.
It is why we research and
fight in this
Spiritual Warfare.

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Brandy Molina @bmolina0003
12 January, 03:55
In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication
There must be great consistent resolve to completely obliterate ALL perpetrators who have so tortured and murdered children. They do not even merit a grave but rather lay their dead bodies out on the ground and torch them to ashes. Thank God their evil souls will only exist for eternity in the burning lake of sulfur. Revelations 21st chapter:
"The cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and ALL LIARS—they will be thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur for all eternity. This is the second death.”
I pray that throughout eternity they can only hear the screams of their tortured victims and see their tortured faces again and again night and day. I pray they will beg to die and that they know they will never be released from their torture.

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Hollie Ryb donated @Hollier
10 January, 08:01
In response Brandy Molina to her Publication
Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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