#10 post(s) found containing "SUM OF ALL FEARS".
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Vance’s wife not only has ties to the Gates Foundation but also taught school in China.

Breaking News Update: Shocking Revelations of VP Vance by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot - - American Media Group
Breaking News Update: Shocking Revelations of VP Vance by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! Discover the shocking revelations about JD Vance, exposed by Kerry Cas.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
JD VANCE & VIVEK RAMASWAMY are going after BILL GATES & they are going to restore power to the Farmers of the United States! I told you long ago that Trump and Vivek were working together and even though Trump and Vivek had a small public debacle; i told you it was all for show and they WORLD Unite... And they did and Trump drops that Vivek is going to be working for him for a long time.
NOW VANCE AND VIVEK are going to go after The GLOBALIST and Bill Gates and recapture the Farm lands and insure protection for the Great American U.S. Farmers! JD VANCE KNOWS ALL THE INS AND OUTS OF THE SKULL AND BONES SOCIETY & he knows where ( she -HC ) the bodies are buried
Meaning he knows the full corrupt system of the cabal operations from first hand perspective and has the Intel and Data and recipes & there is PANIC IN THE DNC AND RINO’S operations
👇 Read here
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Isn't there usually an unseen reason for decisions made?
I would be very surprised if he was still free.

(Reader: RY) Bill Gates: Detained and Scheduled for Military Tribunal | Operation Disclosure Official
Bill Gates: Detained and Scheduled for Military Tribunal reported by Real Raw News. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
The WH Military will expose Gates NOW because his crime will EXPLOSE the world wide cabal [ds] network connected to the virus. World wars run by cia. military industrial complex….
Stay strong Patriots.
TRUMP is giving you COMMS inside the STORM and operations that are currently happening. And WILL happen.
The plan to save the world !
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The UK gov. notice of funding MHRA 15 December 2017. £980,000 now makes sense. #Marker9 #9thSatanicCircle #80YearDelta #DDay #FutureProvesPast
#98 #NigelFarage Reform Party #YouAreWatchingAMovie #ACTORS
The foundation was prob run by Roths, Wellcome #PirbrightInstitute
Tony Blair
Gate's grandfather was 6 ft 7 in. #67 He was a bully! #snakeoil
The missing woman Nikki was fake, supposedly drowned in 2 feet of water. Nichola Bulley, her dog was found with her mobile phone on a bench connected to a works meeting. Yet her husband said he got no reply when ringing it! It would have given engaged signal.
Senator Grassley
King Charles 1st was found guilty of treason on 27 January 1649. Beheaded on 30 January.
#QEII #jfk murder was an operation of the #CommitteeOf300
Hangman #Brandon 😂
UK parliament swore oath to King Charles (1st)!
TheresaMay was an actor.
#Q621 #6DDay #21QEII
May is Neutralized
It's been removed!
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Follow the Money: Bill Gates with Major Shares in Pfizer & BioNTech Funds UK MHRA, Chair JVCI, the Agencies Advising Govt. on Vaccines… Kids to be Jabbed De..
UPDATE: Dec 22 2021: WHO Director-General: “Some Countries Are Using to Give [sic] Boosters to Kill Children, Which is Not Right…it is Better to Vaccinate the Elderly…” (Video) NewsRescue Bill Gates has shares in 8 major vaccine producing big pharma companies Gates bought $55 million – to reach 10 m.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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