Vincent Kennedy⍟ donated @VincentKennedy
16 November, 09:43
Hey all, will be setting up a giveaway here on AU for a 12inch Tesseract saved the best one for here.
Love ya all.

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Don Quixote @This_guy
17 November, 09:45
In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Well VK, it's been awhile since I've seen u around...only reposts of ur quick visits. I enjoyed keeping up with u, till u left. It was thru ur accts that I was able to get to ur stuff and have kept a very small circle of sources that includes u, Juan, POTUS, and a very few others. In doing that I've stayed pretty much correct in my assessments with my own discernment since uve been gone. I AM sorry to see u go and wish u happy travels and God Speed. I was nearly dead in May '22 and had to use a wheelchair when I joined AU and TS, and now am strong, Hopeful, and have a foxhole full of patriots who have seemingly grown to Love me. I Love them all, and u VK. It really meant alot to me to see ur "Likes" on the few occasions u Liked my words, which is all I ever came here to share. It's been my words, Truth, and Love I came here to share, and u inspired me to prepare in the ways I have to face whatever comes this way. Be well VK, Take Care, and Be Loved again wherever u go sir. o7, 🎸🤍🎯

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Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
17 November, 10:02
In response Don Quixote to his Publication
100% agree. VK has always been my main patriot. When I got kicked off Twitter he was the one I searched other sites for. When I found AU and found him here I was thrilled. AU is home, with many astounding God and country loving patriots, all working towards a common goal of freedom and saving our country and the world from the satanic globalist agenda. Spreading truth and supporting one another. 😇

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Don Quixote @This_guy
Hello Carol! Yeah I used to go on Twitter thru VKs acct and always Loved Him and what He shared. When He left I saw it was time I buckle down and by that time had grown strong enuff to do what it is I do now, between exercise, working out, and cycling, and now playing and recording again, leaves me lil time to be online. I do Hope everyone here has been preparing for the time after this time, it was VKs most Valuable lesson!!!
Not just with food and water, but internally and physically! We must be strong to endure what we must, and to be any help at all in the new paradigm we will enter, where Truth is Free and Love is abundant. Health is key to our collective happy futures. And God has kept me from departing before I do something or another, so I go and do and give all my Love all the while. God granted me extensions on multiple occasions now and I'm beginning to Believe He Loves me. That is relatively new for me. So I give my Love away everyday and only pray for one more.🌴🎸🤍
11:11 AM - Nov 17, 2023
In response Carol Roberts to her Publication
Only people mentioned by This_guy in this post can reply
Carol Roberts @InHisHolyName
17 November, 11:54
In response Don Quixote to his Publication
💯 agree! We must stay strong spiritually, physically and mentally to be able to navigate these times and be a source of strength, truth and encouragement to others. We are all here for such a time as this for divine reasons. ✨️ 😇

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Don Quixote @This_guy
17 November, 12:13
In response Carol Roberts to her Publication
🤗😇👊🤓🌴🎵🎸🏁🤍🎯, yep. ☝️🤓

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Liberty Jennja @Jennja
17 November, 11:23
In response Don Quixote to his Publication
Hi brother! Have been wondering where you've been and hopping you were ok. I just went for a ride yesterday, first one since dad died 6 months ago. Have been running a lot but decided to add cycling back in the mix, used to be big into it before everything happened with dad. Trying to best prepare myself physically for whatever is coming, to be ready more than just mentally and spiritually. Didn't know you were a cyclist too. Hope you are well fren, good to see you here. 😊

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Anon MeUpp @Jahty
17 November, 11:31
In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication
I've been taking my dog for bike rides starting about six weeks ago. Going to continue through the cold and put my fat tires on until ice stops me. I've been feeling my legs get stronger which has been helping reduce knee pain. Now I'm gearing up to do some weight training again. I let a job that ran me down physically and mentally get in the way of that, but I don't have that job anymore.😊

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Don Quixote @This_guy
17 November, 11:36
In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication
🥲, my prayers for u and ur family for that great loss. 🙏☝️
I'm so glad to hear from u my dear!! And yes I Cycle for many years now! I've been here everyday for a few minutes each morning and usually don't recognize the names. Also see alot of posts that we were sharing several years ago, and figure it must be new anons with the same energy we had...only now my energy has shifted to better prepare myself for the time after this time...when we are really needed. Please don't hesitate to leave a msg or DM as I ALWAYS respond asap to them. I've been fortunate to have met so many wonderful people online...which I never wanted to be, as I don't like computers, and anonymity. But I do get it too, so I've adjusted. But im not away, only preparing. I WILL see u here and when reunions begin im all in! In fact my fully pledged mantra has been:
💥I'm All In💥. I Love U Lady Liberty Jennja!!! Stay up sister patriot!!🌴🎵🎸🏁🤍🎯🤓

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Anon MeUpp @Jahty
17 November, 11:17
In response Don Quixote to his Publication
💯% Agree!!

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