Doq Holliday @doqholliday
I have to do this every once in awhile…

To everyone out there that thinks I’m Trump or JFK Jr or anyone cool like that, I hate to be the bearer of bad news: I’m not.

I’m just a Patriot and an Anon like you that figured out that I’ve been duped and lied to and I was inspired by others to help wake people up the best way I know how.

We are all equal. Yeah some people are insane and on drugs but most people are good.

I am with you and love you.

But just let Patriots be Patriots. Doesn’t matter who someone is. That’s [their] game. We are ALL children of the Most High.
12:21 AM - Apr 19, 2023
Only people mentioned by doqholliday in this post can reply

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Truth Seeker1111 @TruthSeeker1111
24 April, 10:38 (E)
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Amen Doq and it doesn’t matter to me who you really are….you’re a great Patriot and Anon in my book….and love you back! 👍❤️😊

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Ken Ziegenfus @Woken67
20 April, 04:25
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Amen Brother! 🙏🏻✨❤️💯

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Royal Raven @Royalraven
20 April, 04:24
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

"I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody..."
Casting Crowns - Nobody feat. Matthew West (Visualizer Video) - YouTube

Visualizer Video for "Nobody" by Casting Crowns feat. Matthew West!Listen to Only Jesus, the newest album from Casting Crowns!Amazon: https://CastingCrowns.l...

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Storm Tracker @stormtracker66
20 April, 04:20
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Carolyn Pav @Boo4Trump_jackisfooked
20 April, 12:59
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Love you back 😘

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I am Keri @Lionessheart
19 April, 11:57
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Credits run at the end of the movie right 😁

Blessing and love back to you Doq!

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memes matter @NoComment
19 April, 11:48
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Holy Doq Holiday Sir, did you just say you're not cool like that Sir😂🍿Thats funNY

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Mainly_ Amy @MainlyAmy
19 April, 11:48
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Much love to who you ARE! ❤️ We are SO blessed to have you alongside us. It doesn't matter who you're not...🤗🥰You're right, tho. Some just need to hear it from you!

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Jody Donohue @Jody
19 April, 11:46
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
To me you’re just Doq! Fam! We love you too. 🙏❤️

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Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
19 April, 11:43
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Laura Anon777 @Lalanic777
19 April, 10:45
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Nice 12:21 time stamp! Whoever you are I like ya! I hope we all get to meet one day!

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
19 April, 08:05
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I get it, everyone thinks I am a natural born bad ass, and they would be correct. lol

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
19 April, 08:06
In response Stephanie Foster to her Publication
Kinda joking. LOL BUILT for life for sure.

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Chris David Bell @Only1CdnPatriot
19 April, 08:04
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
12:21 > 123

123 > 15

15 > 6 IGY6

15 > 555 WRWY

There ls always more good than bad in every test God and the Saviors Of Mankind give us. WE are all in it together…thank you Doq for being a great leader and guide on this journey for so many. WWG1WGA….Peace Be With You ♥️✌🏻

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Silver Cat @silvercat
19 April, 07:53
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We love you, Doq! Blessings to you!

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Casey Turnup @CaseyTurnup
19 April, 07:51
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
My dad was a Naval Officer..he taught me..
everyone is equal everyone has value the street cleaner the President. We all matter. He said if you take the time to talk you may be amazed..Bible says in hosting a stranger you may host an angel unawares.
Dad left the FBI he didn't like what he saw going I grow older I realize he paid a high price for his choices. He was the one who told me America was involved in Germ warfare (they use to call it..)
Camp Dietrich in MD...
Edgewood Arsenal
Now they call it BioWeapons...he said it was evil and wrong. YES!
He talked about Black Balling when someone would not step in line...penalty for having a conscience.

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Gr8t Patriot22 @Gr8tpatriot22
19 April, 07:51
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Kindred Spirit @OccamsRazQr
19 April, 07:47
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Maybe on this plane, Doq!

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Stephanie Foster @AmericanFoster
19 April, 10:16
In response Kindred Spirit to her Publication
I don't know bout all that. As we say down south, "appointed unto man once to die" then the judgement, think the WORD means HE knew us before we were born, because HE knows the end from the beginning.

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
19 April, 07:42
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Freedom Fighter @Verity21
19 April, 06:27
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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George Edmiston @BIGEDWYMANZ
19 April, 06:24
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Sista Sue @SC18835410
19 April, 06:12
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
You just keep being you Doq no matter who you are! Glad you are here!
Much love to you all!!❤️

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19 April, 06:08
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

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Jason VanDerpoel donated @IamJason913
19 April, 06:07
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Amen brother. Love You too. I am A Child of The Most High.

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Auntie_M 369 @Auntie_M
19 April, 05:40
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We are ALL children of the Most High=303

Donald Trump, Make Earth Great Again=303
Trump Secret Service Agent. Q=303
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr, Lark=303
Promises Made, Promises Kept=303
For God And Country, Brother. Q=303

They Can't Hide In The Dark Anymore=303
They Are Running Out Of Time=303
Something Big Is About To Drop=303
All Seals Broken, All Gates Opening=303
It Is Time For You To Depart=303

Mission Possible, God Wins. Q=303
Fear Thou Not, For I Am With Thee=303
Put On The Full Armour Of God=303
Love Of The Lord Is A Winning Hand=303
The Truth Will Always Win=303
Truth Brings Reconciliation=303

He Who Has The Key To The Heavens=303
The Key That Unlocks The Door=303
The Secret Of Eternal Life Revealed=303
Miracles Happen When Angles Awaken=303
Help Give Birth To The New Earth=303
May All Your Dreams Come True=303

True Love Conquers All Evil=303
Love So Deep, Love So Beautiful=303
Second Corinthians Chapter Five=303

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Katrina Nrekic @UpLNYTE
19 April, 05:22
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
AMEN 💕🙌🏻🙏🏻

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connie wright @cowri
19 April, 05:22
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I am just one crazy Grandma, 'that's all folks'

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Amy Grahm @Amyl123
19 April, 05:05
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
I am just a sister from a other mister 😆 🤣 😂

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