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Here’s what I do..
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The Healing Web, 2019
The Healing Web, a guide to holistic & allopathic health care. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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New Templars
Browse the most recent videos from channel "New Templars" uploaded to Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Annona sounds a lot like Anon, which made me smile. :)
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Theraphi™ - Phi* Therapy with Theraphi
Theraphi plasma light technology increases your metabolic rate for relief from pain, for longevity and for rejuvenation. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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People don't know what they don't know and so catching the hooks, the bugs, the layer behind the layer is near impossible. Keep learning and discerning.
You know parasites are the underlier of all diseases, what feeds them, what starves them and so you caught it.
It all can almost be completely simplified down to keeping the body ph at 7.2 We are akin to biological batteries that run on solar and maintaining the base and acid balance is key
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Something didn't like what I said.
Maybe it was this guy-
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Chinese detox & diet for fertility - Super cheesy site, but bought this e-book and link to diet was in the book. Think it took about 6 months before I was pregnant and after a miscarriage, our daughter was conceived the very next month. Just celebrated her b-day, basically all last month. :)
Definitely worth a bookmark!
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Sharing this for all of us. it's a good skill to know and teach others. TFT practitioners visited Rwanda and shared this technique with locals to treat traumatised Rwandans.
Does it resonate? 🙏
#NaturalHealth #naturalhealing #TRAUMA #tapping #TFT
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The Aust Govt is cracking down on alternative therapies, particularly homeopathy (what does that tell you?) All health schools require a vax to do placement. Presently, I can't go into this area...
Re homeopathy was the go-to before allopathic medicine with a successful track record on treating epidemics.
It works on animals and children very well,
ie not placebo. The Indian Govt used homeopathy successfully for the 'pandemic'. Successful autism treatment. No side effects.
Talking healing frequency... each remedy has a tiny imprint of the frequency within, matching and cancelling out the disease... we see egs of this in 2 magnetic fields placed together cancel each other out.
BTW look into TFT for trauma. Used in Rwanda. We are going to need it.
#naturalhealing #HealingFrequencies
#NaturalHealth #TFT #tapping #Homeopathy

Epidemics & Pandemics; Homeopathic Prevention & Management – Part 2 – Naturopathic Doctor News and Review
Sharum Sharif, ND In Part 1 of this article, I covered how and why epidemics are on the rise; how conventional medical approaches alone (including drugs and vaccination) are insufficient in meeting the needs of our species; and how homeopathy is the alter.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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: )
Duet 30:19
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!
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Re homeopathy being questionable. homeopathy was the go-to before allopathic medicine with a successful track record on pandemic.
It works on animals and children very well, placebo is not applicable. FYI the Indian Govt used homeopathy successfully for the 'pandemic'.
Talking frequency... each remedy has a tiny imprint of the frequency within, healing is all about frequency, matching and cancelling out... as evidenced in magnetic fields.
BTW look into TFT. It is the original tapping method, wonderful for trauma. Used in Rwanda. I trained with Joanne Callahan. Is it on this chart?
#naturalhealing #HealingFrequencies
#NaturalHealth #TFT #tapping

Epidemics & Pandemics; Homeopathic Prevention & Management – Part 2 – Naturopathic Doctor News and Review
Sharum Sharif, ND In Part 1 of this article, I covered how and why epidemics are on the rise; how conventional medical approaches alone (including drugs and vaccination) are insufficient in meeting the needs of our species; and how homeopathy is the alter.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
💗 Blessed Sunday!
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The Healing Web, 2019
The Healing Web, a guide to holistic & allopathic health care. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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I was in a car accident and had chronic back and neck pain, my car insurance agent (😲 wow! there are some GOoD people in that industry) sent me to a NUCCA Dr. and within 2 weeks i was walking again (upright) with no more bulging disks, vertigo, or pain! I know it HELPS WITH trigeminal neuralgia, and lower spine issues such as sciatica, disc bulges, and disc herniations. It is a very gentle correction (slight pressure on the neck -Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC), read about it here: and the list of drs in each state:

Doctors – NUCCA – National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association
Doctors Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Over centuries, they’ve studied psychology, black magic and alchemy, and used their advanced occult knowledge against the common man. In a way the Healing Web is comparing the worst of Big Pharma to the best of Holistic medicine. That may seem biased at first, but as you come to understand the full history, and that Medicine is partially being employed as a tool for mass extermination.

The Healing Web - The Great Awakening Report
The Healing Web is a bi-hemisphered index of holistic and pharmacological remedies for most common illnesses and conditions. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

The Healing Web, 2019
The Healing Web, a guide to holistic & allopathic health care. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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"Our bodies are amazing and they can beat a parasitical infection, and most of the time they do— there’s just a small percentage who are unable to beat them. Fiercely believe in your heart and soul that you will win because you definitely can!
If you have been told you are dealing with a long-term parasitic infection, instead of immediately diving into a parasitic cleanse, I would first recommend eliminating any foods from your diet that could feed harmful bacteria and viruses in your body. As you now know, the reason to focus on eliminating bacteria and viruses rather than parasites is because most people diagnosed with a parasitic infection are actually battling a type of bacteria, or in some cases, a virus. Ridding your body of foods that can feed pathogens is a wonderFULLY beneficial action you can take.

Medical Medium: Parasites: Myths & Truths
Medical Medium Parasites: Myths & Truths: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396