as I stood out in the yard tonight, neck craned staring up at the stars, the parade of Starlink satellites, and the passing planes, I wondered what comes next in our story as humanity. It wasn't but a short few minutes, since it's below freezing, but my mind moved a million miles an hour.
Up to this point, most of us have been 'neutered' in direct tangible action to impact this plan. Though, our energy and perspective matter. At some point, the show comes to an end, and the responsibility for this country and world become ours.
A brave new world. Opportunity we can only currently dream of. A level playing field.
Each of us has a role to play, and my senses tell me those roles aren't specialized like the Matrix has forced us to believe; a farmer is a good example - he has to be a meteorologist, mechanic, botanist, vet, etc.
freedom comes with risk and failure.
success is all the more sweet when you've got skin in the game.
The cost of Liberty is eternal vigilance.
Up to this point, most of us have been 'neutered' in direct tangible action to impact this plan. Though, our energy and perspective matter. At some point, the show comes to an end, and the responsibility for this country and world become ours.
A brave new world. Opportunity we can only currently dream of. A level playing field.
Each of us has a role to play, and my senses tell me those roles aren't specialized like the Matrix has forced us to believe; a farmer is a good example - he has to be a meteorologist, mechanic, botanist, vet, etc.
freedom comes with risk and failure.
success is all the more sweet when you've got skin in the game.
The cost of Liberty is eternal vigilance.
08:45 PM - Nov 17, 2022
Only people mentioned by 17Commentary in this post can reply
Brett Tescher
18 November, 01:55
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
Beautiful sentiments. So happy that our paths have crossed. Thank you for this message.
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18 November, 09:18
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
We will have so so much opportunity to create!
Can we please keep two things in mind in all conversations and all planning:
1. Free Will
2. Do no harm
IMHO, and you know everyone has one, we go forward our BIGGEST obstacle will be "COMMUNICATION".
Everyones perceptions of the best way forward will be a bit different, that is a great thing but also block for agreements.
If we dont learn how to better communicate between ourselves, it will be a very rocky road.
We can do this!
Truths will come out but afterwards we have to rebuild every system in our lives and cooperation and communication with each other will determine how we get to where we need to be in evolution, whether we really make this better or just replace the current evil masters with less evil but still domineering masters.
Can we please keep two things in mind in all conversations and all planning:
1. Free Will
2. Do no harm
IMHO, and you know everyone has one, we go forward our BIGGEST obstacle will be "COMMUNICATION".
Everyones perceptions of the best way forward will be a bit different, that is a great thing but also block for agreements.
If we dont learn how to better communicate between ourselves, it will be a very rocky road.
We can do this!
Truths will come out but afterwards we have to rebuild every system in our lives and cooperation and communication with each other will determine how we get to where we need to be in evolution, whether we really make this better or just replace the current evil masters with less evil but still domineering masters.
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Carol Roberts
18 November, 09:31
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
It all begins with putting God first and following His ways, not our ways IMO. Stepping outside of the ego and walking in the spirit. Test everything through the filter of what is pleasing and honoring to our God. Personal behavior, choosing leaders, forming policies, everything. 😇
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18 November, 09:10
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
Gosh, so many of the same intense thought patterns that are hitting me hard. It is for real. Leveling up to the future. This is all a dream come true but shaking off the rage against the machine and going deep on identity. I have been so straddled between the long traumatic awakening and the brightness of the future. Where the sidewalk ends, the conscious dreaming and co-creating begins. Thanks for your post and love knowing we are all riding this wave-pattern together.
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Jane Doe✔️
18 November, 08:39
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
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Judy 777
18 November, 07:17
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
Very eloquently stated fren. 👏
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Ange Love
18 November, 05:32
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
Well said❤️much prayer and emotional intelligence for a better now and future🙏🏻✨😇the past is what it is...past
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Only followers of this user (GodsGraciousGift) can see their posts
Carol Roberts
18 November, 09:22
In response Trustn Believe to her Publication
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18 November, 09:21
In response Trustn Believe to her Publication
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§ämādhï £¡ght
18 November, 02:17
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
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Erin Smith
18 November, 01:03
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
I feel stronger knowing I have all of you behind me...even if only words of encouragement...can't wait till we all meet on Anon Island..biggly family reunion...Huge! ❤️🙏
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17 November, 11:56
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
It has always been the plan for us. We just had to remember who we were. Thank Q for showing us the way back home Q and Q+. God be our guide.
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In response Pissed Off Patriot to her Publication
You just summed up beautifully what I struggle to put into words...👍
Thank Q 🙏🤗
Thank Q 🙏🤗
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17 November, 11:56
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
It has always been the plan for us. We just had to remember who we were. Thank Q for showing us the way back home Q and Q+. God be our guide.
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In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
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Truth Seeker
17 November, 11:33
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
So eloquently and visually said! Hugs! God Wins!
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Kay ThanQ
17 November, 10:47
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
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Nadine Trevour
17 November, 10:42
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
🌛 Quite beautiful how you relayed this from the night sky to our role in this new world. Thank you. A lot of us, feel this instinctively. The only way to navigate; listening when in stillness. What you shared tonight 🍁
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Tammy Faye
17 November, 10:38
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
It's kinda a scary excitement to be honest😐
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Denali 1620
17 November, 09:58
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
We have been watching this series for the past week. I've been watching my loved ones pause and consider as I'm guessing many normies are doing right now. Very well done.

Watch Ancient Apocalypse | Netflix Official Site
Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age. Watch trailers & learn more. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
17Commentary 17C
17 November, 10:01
In response Denali 1620 to her Publication
if you really want to open your eyes, take a listen to all Joe Rogan episodes with:
Graham Hancock
Randall Carlson
John Anthony West
Robert Schoch
Graham Hancock
Randall Carlson
John Anthony West
Robert Schoch
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Sierra Victor
18 November, 09:33
In response Denali 1620 to her Publication
Thank you for the head's up. I have watched numerous docs hoping that they might be a starting point for my normie-family, only to find they are more DS BS. I'll definitely check it out.
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Justice Peacefully .
17 November, 09:36
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
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hope saxton
17 November, 09:01
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication
Beautifully stated.❤️
I imagine the free people of the world will be the new Pilgrims. Like days of old, we will be family-first and community-conscious. We will share the fruits of our labors and look out for one another.
Morals and kindness will rule our speech and our deeds.
Evil has no place in my new reality, and so it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively.
God will sit at the head of my table. We will honor and worship Him always (all ways).
I pray for this for Humanity.
Much love, Brother. God bless.
I imagine the free people of the world will be the new Pilgrims. Like days of old, we will be family-first and community-conscious. We will share the fruits of our labors and look out for one another.
Morals and kindness will rule our speech and our deeds.
Evil has no place in my new reality, and so it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively.
God will sit at the head of my table. We will honor and worship Him always (all ways).
I pray for this for Humanity.
Much love, Brother. God bless.
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Justice Peacefully .
17 November, 09:36
In response hope saxton to her Publication
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