Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
26 March, 10:45

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
26 March, 10:38
Trump Signs EO Requiring Proof Of Citizenship, Paper Ballots

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Mark Knight @ItsAbacus2009
26 March, 10:39

President Trump will Present an Executive Order to Eliminate Sanctuary Cities

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
26 March, 09:56
BREAKING: 4 US soldiers dead after going missing on training mission in Lithuania: NATO

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26 March, 05:27

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Spar Hawk @Sparhawk60
26 March, 09:59

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
26 March, 10:07
'There was no classified material discussed': White House slams The Atlantic, backs national security team amid Signalgate

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26 March, 07:05

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Light and LOVE @LightuptheUniverse
26 March, 07:03

THIS ⤵️⤵️ does NOT include

* Military personnel
* for black op projects, aka SSP, Luft Waffen, 20 & Back
* into CIA, intelligence op, Coups, drug wars
* Baby farms
* Generations that sold their children to handlers
* Planned Parenthood
* Street kids
* High School & College Programs
* Churches / Religions (All)
* Boys Town

(am certain I've missed some)

Operation Mockingbird
Christianity, Judaism, Islam

CIA / Mossad / Illuminati / zionists / 33 Degree Masons = JESUITS

Next time you judge a "libtard", think of this & the potential of your own indoctrination!



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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
26 March, 05:03
May 17th

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
26 March, 04:25

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
26 March, 04:07

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
26 March, 04:09
I really miss those days:

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
26 March, 08:33

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
26 March, 02:12

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John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
26 March, 02:23
When musk and Trump refer to going to MARS

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Auntie_M 369 @Auntie_M
26 March, 03:08

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Generica - WE ARE . ALL ONE VOICE donated @akalaurel
26 March, 03:13
Robert Steele - sadly no longer w/ us
2018 ?

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Sabina de Nooijer @sabina2211
26 March, 03:14

Secret CIA files claim Ark of the Covenant has been found

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Bob Eddy Z @falconeddyx
26 March, 11:57
In response Sheila Abrams to her Publication
yup, all cancers are parasites

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
26 March, 07:57

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
26 March, 03:27

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Auntie_M 369 @Auntie_M
26 March, 03:28
Deltas for March 26

31 post(s) found containing "Mar 26,".

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Mike Anon @Mike314
26 March, 02:52

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Crystal Iannacone @Matriot
26 March, 12:45

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walker Fast @Fastwalker
26 March, 03:32

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
26 March, 03:32

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Rompt Theodoor @oeralinda
25 March, 08:29
After announcing his run for President, prosecutors in Ireland are trying to put Conor McGregor in jail for 7 years for "inciting hate".

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Silver Cat @silvercat
26 March, 01:48

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Bob Eddy Z @falconeddyx
26 March, 11:15

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