"...What comes next is a man-made extinction-level event (ELE) that will eventually depopulate the world to minimal levels..."
"...Complicit in this conspiracy are bioterrorists from the government, large corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), secret societies and terrorist organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), all of which are working in cahoots to kill as many people as possible with deadly “vaccines” and other fake medical interventions..."
Coronavirus injections are an extinction-level event
In case you have not noticed, the “old normal” is never coming back now that the globalists have tipped the dominoes to usher in the “new normal.” What comes next is a man-made extinction-level event (ELE) that will eventually depopulate the world to minimal levels. Complicit..
https://chemicalviolence.com/2021-05-06-coronavirus-injections-are-an-extinction-level-event.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...After all the recent firings of medical professionals for refusing to get vaccinated from the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine, it appears there is now a push to use communist style fake reviews to push the vaccine even further,” reported Populist.press..."
“...If the vaccine was so great they wouldn’t have to pay people to rave about it. This is a serious issue and shows how deceitful big pharma and the Biden admin are being...”
Biden regime caught bribing hospital staff to supply positive reviews for covid vaccines – NaturalNews.com
A social media "influencer" hired by the White House has been caught trying to bribe hospital systems into procuring fake positive reviews about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" in order to encourage more uptake. Eben Vorster, a "digital relational organizer"
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-13-biden-bribing-hospitals-positive-reviews-covid-vaccines.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...The decision to remove ivermectin, multivitamins and zinc from the treatment guidelines is hard to comprehend given the current state of play in India — unless one assumes foul play..."
WHO Celebrates As Indian Health Regulator Removes Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin from Its Covid-19 Protocol
India’s Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has executed a policy reversal that could have massive implications for the battle against covid-19, not only in India but around the world. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives, could be at stake. The health regulator has overhauled i..
https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/who-celebrates-as-indian-health-regulator-removes-hydroxychloroquine-and-ivermectin-from-its-covid-19-protocol/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"... I recently had a frustrated sheriff deputy talk to me about how his department tried to strong-arm him into receiving one of the bioweapon shots. He refused, and has since left the Sheriff department in a major metropolitan area in the U.S..."
"...However, he told me that two other deputies gave in to the pressure from their leadership to get the experimental shot, and now both are dead shortly after being injected..."
COVID-19 Bioweapon Shots Continue to Kill and Cripple People Leaving Behind Devastated Families
While demand for the COVID-19 bioweapon shots is now waning, stories continue to come in about those who have decided to receive one of the injections and have paid the ultimate price for their decision: DEATH or crippling side effects. These stories are now becoming harder to find, so strong is the..
https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/covid-19-bioweapon-shots-continue-to-kill-and-cripple-people-leaving-behind-devastated-families/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...The spike protein can manipulate the central nervous system, causing an influx of cytokines, and setting off a cytokine storm. This influx of cytokines can also cross the blood-brain barrier, doing further damage to the immune response. When the viral binding protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, it enables the virus to cross the blood-brain barrier as well, allowing the virus to directly influence regions of the brain that regulate respiratory function. According to the study, injected spike proteins breach the BBB roughly ten times greater compared to intranasal exposure..."
Experimental covid vaccines are bioweapon delivery systems that flood vital organs and the blood stream with inflammatory spike proteins – NaturalNews.com
After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replica
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-11-covid-vaccines-are-bioweapon-delivery-systems.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
EPIC FAIL: Multiple Passengers On First FULLY Vaccinated North American Cruise Test POSITIVE For COVID- Where's The Media Coverage?
What in the hell is going on?
https://americasfreedomfighters.com/vaccinated-cruise-test-positive-for-covid/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...In the broadcast, a TV doctor explains the phenomenon going viral on social media showing metal objects being magnetized to Covid-19 vaccine injection sites..."
Mexican Program Accidentally Proves Covid Vaccine Magnet Theory While Attempting to Debunk It
Mexican Program Accidentally Proves Covid Vaccine Magnet Theory While Attempting to Debunk It
https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/mexican-program-accidentally-proves-covid-vaccine-magnet-theory-while-attempting-to-debunk-it.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling..."
"...There you have it. A “climate lockdown” means no more red meat, the government setting limits on how and when people use their private vehicles and further (unspecified) “extreme energy-saving measures”. It would likely include previously suggested bans on air travel, too..."
A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon – A Threat Used to Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset'
A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon – A Threat Used to Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset'
https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/climate-lockdown-great-reset.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...With the removal from command of Lt Col Lohmeier, USAF, for eloquently warning of this infiltration in his book Irresistible Revolution, there is no longer any doubt about what is happening. There is no longer any place to hide..."
"...By supporting the racist ideology, the cultural Marxism of critical race theory, being pushed by our enemy in Beijing — the Chinese Communist Party — you are committing treason against the American people..."
WARNING: Military officers supporting and enabling Marxism in DoD will face accountability – NaturalNews.com
Why Aren’t More Speaking Out? US Military Losing Moral High-Ground (Article by L Todd Wood republished from CreativeDestructionMedia.com) The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white cross
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-18-officers-who-support-marxism-will-face-accountability.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
'...the long-term plan has always been for China to invade and conquer the continental United States by launching attacks from Mexico, while Russia plans to attack and take Alaska, then proceed to conquer Canada, which won’t be difficult since Canada has disarmed all its own citizens with fascist gun control initiatives..."
Geopolitics expert warns China preparing for TOTAL WAR against the United States in “a matter of months” … cyber attacks, bioweapons, kinetic ..
Today's Situation Update podcast (see below) focuses on what I learned from JR Nyquist in a horrifying interview conducted yesterday (also posted below, separately). JR Nyquist's website is JRnyquist.blog and everything there is worth reading. Nyquist is a high-IQ researcher who has
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-10-geopolitics-expert-warns-china-preparing-for-total-war-against-the-united-states.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...To boost the appearance of vaccine efficacy even further, the CDC also will no longer record mild or asymptomatic infections in vaccinated individuals as "COVID cases." The only cases that now count as COVID cases — if the patient has been vaccinated against COVID-19, that is — are those that result in hospitalization or death...."
CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines
The CDC is putting out new rules for diagnosing COVID in vaccinated individuals. How significant are these changes to the accuracy of vaccine data?
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/11/cdc-covid-vaccine.aspx?ui=fa443001eaf4c368f28dfb3eae283f5b6c452332ae4555ac0260849d9c2f4e75&sd=19000101&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210611_HL2&mid=DM907967&rid=1180862424&p4=20210325&p5=Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...Anyone who even agrees to enroll in the military at all anymore must have some kind of death wish because this is only the start of what the medical fascists have in store for Americans and the rest of the world..."
Students at West Point Threatened With Solitary Confinement & Separation from Academy for Refusing Risky Covid Vaccinations
Students at West Point Threatened With Solitary Confinement & Separation from Academy for Refusing Risky Covid Vaccinations
https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/students-at-west-point-threatened-with-solitary-confinement-separation-from-academy-for-refusing-risky-covid-vaccinations.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...The medical establishment is struggling to come up with some kind of narrative for this “anomaly,” refusing to acknowledge the fact that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines – and more specifically, the spike proteins they contain – are what is spreading this new wave of Chinese Disease..."
Nursing Homes Experiencing Large Disease 'Outbreaks' Immediately AFTER Covid 'Vaccination'
Nursing Homes Experiencing Large Disease 'Outbreaks' Immediately AFTER Covid 'Vaccination'
https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/nursing-homes-experiencing-large-disease-outbreaks-immediately-after-covid-vaccination.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...He cited the example of a young Chinese scientist applying for a licence for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine “as early as February 24, 2020”, just two months after the pandemic broke out..."
“...It is far too early to work on a vaccine in just two months. They must have started at least a year earlier...”
Top Indian Virologist Claim China Was Ready With COVID-19 Vaccine Even Before the Pandemic
Top Indian Virologist Claim China Was Ready With COVID-19 Vaccine Even Before the Pandemic
https://humansarefree.com/2021/06/indian-virologist-china-had-covid-19-vaccine-before-pandemic.htmlINotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"... the vaccine passport will expand to include not just vaccination status but also other medical data, basic identification records, financial data and just about anything else that can be digitized and tracked. The end goal is to end freedom as we know it, using a social credit system based on 24/7 electronic surveillance to ensure compliance..."
Mass Protests Can End Vaccine Passports
Following massive protests, the U.K. government may now scrap its plan to legally require vaccine passports for large events.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/08/protests-against-vaccine-passports.aspx?ui=fa443001eaf4c368f28dfb3eae283f5b6c452332ae4555ac0260849d9c2f4e75&sd=20210325&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210608_HL2&mid=DM905356&rid=1178351340Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
“The Covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus.”
Covid-19 ORIGINS revealed: Vaccine spike proteins are Chinese military bioweapons designed to kill – NaturalNews.com
The cover-up has imploded. Covid-19 was engineered in a lab, and the desperate attempts to hide its true origins are rapidly collapsing. Over the weekend, even the Wall Street Journal is now catching up to what Natural News reported a year ago, admitting that covid-19 came from a lab. The article
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-07-covid-19-origins-revealed-vaccine-spike-proteins-military-bioweapons.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
Why I’m Removing All Articles Related to Vitamins D, C, Zinc and COVID-19
Much of the valuable research and information that Dr. Mercola has provided about vitamins D and C, zinc and COVID can no longer be preserved.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/04/removing-articles-related-to-vitamin-d-c-and-zinc.aspxNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...An unexpected and concerning side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine is enlarged lymph nodes..."
Is the COVID Vaccine Causing Unnecessary Cancer Biopsies and Treatments?
Is the COVID Vaccine Causing Unnecessary Cancer Biopsies and Treatments?
https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2021/06/01/is-the-covid-vaccine-causing-unnecessary-cancer-biopsies-and-treatments.aspxNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...The first randomized controlled trial of more than 6,000 individuals to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection..."
Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective
The first randomized controlled trial found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/03/efficacy-of-surgical-masks.aspxNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...Separate research revealed that even if 10% of the population is infected, it would take an average of 31.5 days of continuous outdoor exposure for a person to inhale enough virus to get infected — and even then the dose would only cause infection in 63% of those exposed..."
Epidemiologists Say CDC Exaggerated Outdoor COVID Risks
The latest CDC blunder came when it released an inaccurate statistic about the rate of outdoor COVID-19 transmission, placing it at a 'hugely exaggerated' 10%.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/04/cdc-exaggerated-outdoor-covid-risks.aspx?ui=fa443001eaf4c368f28dfb3eae283f5b6c452332ae4555ac0260849d9c2f4e75&sd=20210325&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210604_HL2&mid=DM902263&rid=1175066285Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...these drones can be outfitted with several hundred pounds of high explosives and transformed into “kamikaze drones” that are essentially armed cruise missiles. Since they avoid any radar signature, they can slam right into any intended target, and the U.S. military has zero defense against these kamikaze drones. They can also be launched from Mexico, then flown into U.S. airspace and activated there..."
Chinese STEALTH DRONES surveilling US energy infrastructure; Fauci emails reveal explosive admissions of covid cover-up – NaturalNews.com
Today's Situation Update presents two bombshell stories, both pointing to the increasingly irrefutable fact that we are living in a state of war right now, and America is being relentlessly attacked by communist China via multiple vectors (bioweapons, cyber war, etc.). Today we have the biza
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-03-chinese-stealth-drones-surveilling-us-energy-infrastructure.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics - The COVID Blog
The CDC likely violated several data collection laws and missed several with its COVID-19 death reporting guidelines.
https://thecovidblog.com/2021/02/12/peer-reviewed-manuscript-concludes-that-cdc-massively-inflates-covid-19-case-and-death-numbers-with-creative-statistics/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
Man Who Developed CDC Vaccine Tracking System, BBC Radio Personality – Among the DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections
Joel Kallman, the 54-year-old Oracle APEX software developer who designed the CDC vaccine tracking system, is dead two months after the first experimental mRNA shot. Jovita Moore, an Atlanta news anchor, developed two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection. Lisa Shaw, a..
https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/man-who-developed-cdc-vaccine-tracking-system-bbc-radio-personality-among-the-dead-following-covid-19-injections/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...FDA’s commissioner stated that in order for the vaccine manufacturers to even get just emergency authorized use, they had to cross the minimum threshold of 50 percent efficacy, that’s according to their own documented standard, and even if they did, that would only be considered a medical experiment, not some mass campaign to inoculate more than 70 percent of the world’s populace in less than 6 months. So how did they even get 50 percent efficacy, when the shots haven’t proven that ANYBODY at all is yet immune to Covid? Easy. Fake the research. Fake the results. Fake everything..."
All Covid vaccines are actually a crime right now because none of them even meet the EAU threshold.
Absolutely NOT safe and NOT effective: FDA and CDC lied about vaccine efficacy to obtain ’emergency authorized use’ (EAU) for highly-suspect human m..
As they say, the proof is in the pudding. COVID-19 shots have been the deadliest inoculations ever documented, by far, and that's according to the CDC’s very own data. More people have died from Covid vaccines (approaching 5,000 now) than all vaccine deaths totaled since the 1950s. No wonder wh
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-01-fda-cdc-lied-about-vaccine-efficacy.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...The Chinese Communist Party that now runs Washington DC decisions has announced that July 4th, 2021, is the target date to have conned and coerced as many Americans as possible into getting the prion-creating, China Flu/HIV jabs. That means that on July 5th, or shortly thereafter, a mass staged event will take place that will begin the massive genocide that is somehow coordinated with the vaccine technology (containing mRNA, spike proteins, HIV, malaria, and more deadly Covid variants)..."
SHOCKER: The Covid-19 vaccine itself is creating more VIRULENT variants that may decimate the vaccinated sheeple – NaturalNews.com
The Chinese Communist Party that now runs Washington DC decisions has announced that July 4th, 2021, is the target date to have conned and coerced as many Americans as possible into getting the prion-creating, China Flu/HIV jabs. That means that on July 5th, or shortly thereafter, a mass staged even
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-02-covid19-vaccines-creating-more-virulent-variants.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"... we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We saw the spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew the spike protein, itself, was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin, and in some people, this gets into circulation. And when that happens in some people, it can cause damage, especially with the cardiovascular system..."
Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more – NaturalNews.com
Not surprisingly, everything the establishment tells us about covid vaccines has been a calculated lie. One of the biggest and most treacherous lies is that "mRNA vaccine shots stay in the arm and don't circulate nanoparticles around the body." Now we know that is a complete lie, as n
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-06-02-horrifying-study-reveals-mrna-vaccine-nanoparticles-are-circulated-throughout-the-entire-body-brain-heart-liver-ovaries-testes.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...While the natural spike protein is bad, the spike protein your body produces in response to the vaccine is even worse..."
The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health
COVID-19 vaccines are capable of causing damage in a number of different ways leading to lung damage and heart and brain diseases.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/30/covid-19-vaccines-causing-damage.aspx?ui=fa443001eaf4c368f28dfb3eae283f5b6c452332ae4555ac0260849d9c2f4e75&sd=20210325&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210530_HL2&mid=DM897878&rid=1170885426Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
"...Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud..."
"...The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result..."
"...This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases..."
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
https://humansarefree.com/2021/05/lawyers-doctors-lawsuit-violations-nuremberg-code.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
EXCLUSIVE: Deep state planning false flag attack in order to blame “anti-vaxxers” and gun owners – NaturalNews.com
Yesterday was a bizarre day at Natural News, where after I published an article calling for Nuremberg-style prosecutions of vaccine researchers who use human children for medical experiments, I received several phone calls. The most relevant call came from someone I did not know, and whose number
https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-28-deep-state-planning-false-flag-violence-to-blame-anti-vaxxers-and-gun-owners.htmlNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
How COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots and More
On February 2021, the Doctors for COVID Ethics sent a letter to the European Medicines Agency, listing several urgent questions about vaccine safety.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/28/how-covid-vaccines-can-cause-blood-clots.aspx?ui=fa443001eaf4c368f28dfb3eae283f5b6c452332ae4555ac0260849d9c2f4e75&sd=20210325&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210528_HL2&mid=DM896293&rid=1169202526Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396