Doq Holliday @doqholliday
14 April, 03:14
We have an obligation to be ready to help others in our community when the time comes.

When the truth about the plandemic really hits hard, it’s going to be awful, Patriots.

Remember, EVERYONE has been lied to.

God woke you up before others for a reason.

It’s a blessing and a curse.

But when your neighbor is sobbing because they learn the truth and all their kids are vaxxed, you will need to be there for them.

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Kristopher Anderson ~X~ @kanderc
From day 1 I have always said this is not an
"I told ya so" game...I remember the anger, disgust and crying I went through while finding out most of this...and I know the tears will hit again when the blows start hitting people in masses...the main thing is that during the last 5 years, I have found myself on an extremely higher spiritual path and my faith and understanding in God has grown so strong, there is nothing that can steer me away from it...

There does come a self realization when you whole heartedly know you have been chosen for a reason.
Everything Happens For A Reason...

Leaders do not lead to collect followers. Fame and Pride can become a cheap commodity.....

A Leader merely goes first to open the path so others can see it...we cant keep putting them down if they dont...we just need to keep searching for new ways to make the path wider for All...yes it is stressful and tiring...this is what WE were chosen for...

We didn't come this far to only go this far..
03:52 PM - Apr 14, 2022
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
Only people mentioned by kanderc in this post can reply
Peaceful Warrior @peacefulwarrior
20 July, 08:53
In response Kristopher Anderson ~X~ to his Publication
It has taken me a very long time to understand this concept on a personal basis. There are still a few people, family members especially, who would get an "I told you so", from the old me. Every time that thought comes up, I consciously breathe in peace and breathe out anger. I am working so hard to listen to God and to let go of ego and let him work through me. I believe I will be ready to help comfort others-it's what we were made for!

Thank you Kristopher, for sharing what I was thinking this morning also.🙏💗

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Truth Hunter @Silverado7Oro
15 April, 01:56
In response Kristopher Anderson ~X~ to his Publication
No Fame in Gods Order/Kingdom

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George Edmiston @BIGEDWYMANZ
15 April, 02:07
In response Truth Hunter to his Publication

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Justice Peacefully . @carpenter
15 April, 01:50
In response Kristopher Anderson ~X~ to his Publication

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Blinky Blinx donated @Blinkyblinx
14 April, 09:13
In response Kristopher Anderson ~X~ to his Publication
yes, it is humbling, amazing, and a burden all at the same time. We were most certainly called, and yet the more this realization sinks in the more we are also called to “know your weakness” and work on your own ego, faults, and issues so that you can be even stronger and compassionate when the time comes. These past 4+ years have stretched me in more ways than I knew existed. It can be exhausting, but at the same time I know constanty prayer and raising our “vibration” is what we desperately need to do for this to succeed.

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Justice Peacefully . @carpenter
15 April, 01:57
In response Blinky Blinx to her Publication
I Am Praying That In Every Case I Can Stand!
And Then Stand Again
It Will Test Us All!
May God Bless Us As We Move Forward Always!

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