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Build strong foundations, logic, reason?
Natural Law, Quantum connected, protecting, self aware there is a physics to learn of our life force as an individual, as well as a collective humanity?
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I am a US Army veteran, drank the war koolaid that we were always fed, and initially cringed when Trump would bash GWB during the primaries.
What have I learned about the Great Awakening you ask?
The Great Awakening was for me too!
The longer this has gone on, the more we learn. Every aspect of our government and large corporations is corrupted to the core. This isn't about arresting a few low level puppets like Obama, HRC, Comey, Brennan, etc. They will just be replaced with other puppets or other sleeper puppets will be activated. We have to tear the whole thing up down to the roots.
Let's start with the Fed Reserve and the entire central banking network.
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Liars they all are, and they will be judged along with the Federal Reserve that was never meant to be in your land, oh United States.
Oh, this Babylonian system is about to crumble to the ground. It will not stay this way, children of Almighty God."

For I, the Lord, am moving upon this Earth in ways you can't see or understand yet. Yet is the keyword. I will show you My plans were always for your good, My children. I didn't leave you without hope, nor would I ever do that. I am your hope upon this Earth. Don't pay attention to your enem.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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#HappyFriYay ☺️
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Gene Decode clarification on Queen Romana - 13 March 2022 Rob Mercury
❤️ this channel "Buy Us A Coffee"- Telegram - Youtube Channel Link: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Telegram: Contact @romanadidulo
Let's back up the Bus. I have recently issued a Royal Decree prohibiting false news/unauthorized news/publication in the Kingdom of Canada and about Queen Romana. Naturally, those who know that my Royal Decrees are #real and #true wouldn't want to publish anything I have NOT authorized or .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Telegram: Contact @romanadidulo
~ Royal Decree ~ To the Attention of, We The People of the Kingdom of Canada Re: Automatic 30 years imprisonment for #main stream media and #independent media publishing untrue / false news I AM Queen Romana Didulo of the Kingdom of Canada, Head Of State, Commander-in-Chief, President and Head.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Inc.= Incorporated
ex. Amazon Inc. , Apple Inc.
It's a Corporation under her name.
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Like you told me "Keep The Faith" !
Victory is worth waiting for ~
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