Th3realTT 129
12 May, 09:08
im selling my xrp next week do yall but i am not gonna trust some avatars or ai and lose everything i own if it doesn't get and bullish action in the next week . you have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them and know when to walk away and know when to run lol 5 yearz of nothing
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Th3realTT 129
12 May, 07:05
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Th3realTT 129
11 May, 05:58
breakout point on xrp now like .79 way off of that now
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Th3realTT 129
11 May, 05:04
calls it like i seas it.
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Th3realTT 129
11 May, 01:01
it sucks i cant afford to buy xrp and amc with it all lower then its been in over a year
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Th3realTT 129
10 May, 04:23
lol austin vs vince
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Th3realTT 129
10 May, 12:41
The dead in christ rise first ? what does that mean 🤔
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Th3realTT 129
09 May, 02:42
bitcoin tanking market tanking but hey that's what we wanted . dunno why bc your elons your pelosis your obamas your trumps none of them will be hurt only ones going to get hurt is average people in the market. sad. xrp below .50 again its a rigged system
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Th3realTT 129
06 May, 02:45
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The Best Is Yet To Come!
06 May, 02:23
In response TxGirl4Trump -UM to her Publication
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Th3realTT 129
06 May, 01:56
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Th3realTT 129
06 May, 12:19
lol and just like that I see people on the right saying the govt should have no say in a womens body . talking about abortion bc of the roe v wade . lol thats how they mindfuck you . 🤣 😂 😆 stay woke
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Th3realTT 129
04 May, 06:34
feeling froggy rdy to fook some plans up
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Laura Anon777
04 May, 09:25
Anyone watched the show curse of oak island on the history channel? It was pretty interesting about the freemasons and their symbolism.
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Th3realTT 129
02 May, 04:05
these people r sick
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Th3realTT 129
02 May, 11:39
time for daddy to do what daddy do lol 😆 fook shit up
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Th3realTT 129
01 May, 12:11
"if you shake the tree then tha mamba falls out " kobe bryaant . lol
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Th3realTT 129
30 April, 10:53
name change
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Th3realTT 129
30 April, 10:15
baltimore won tonight boston
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Th3realTT 129
30 April, 09:35
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Th3realTT 129
30 April, 10:13
people blindly follow to much stuff. time to snap out of it 🤪 internet could be used for good but it aint right now
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Th3realTT 129
29 April, 01:27
rdy to switch the name up again. its fun to do time to time
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Th3realTT 129
29 April, 12:54
17 ,18 19 . 17,18 19 . everywhere everyday
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Th3realTT 129
29 April, 12:51
was trying to go fuck with the Twitter appeal board . but itttts sayiing toooo much traffix
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Th3realTT 129
29 April, 11:40
i like fucking with the a.i it gets me from time to time but cant crack this skull fuckers . 🤣🤣🤣 he who laughs last laughs loudest
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Th3realTT 129
26 April, 05:45
tough times call for RA MEN. 😂🤔🤠
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Th3realTT 129
26 April, 03:33
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Th3realTT 129
25 April, 06:54
xrp getting old quick
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Th3realTT 129
24 April, 02:01
good song . love this girls voice .
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Th3realTT 129
22 April, 09:03
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