Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
22 August, 04:18
Anyone got anything on this video or these ppl?

In this video, I am bringing information about the NESARA/GESARA MONIES which, have been found but, need our help to get these monies released!Link to the Pe...

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
22 August, 04:55
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
For about 20 years now, I have understood this to be see eye ay propaganda, to keep people HOOKED, (archon parasites grab on with a hook), waiting anxiously (causes one to leak energy archons feed on) and complacently (staying in the pot while the water heats up) for the final grab. It will be a Faustian Bargain, and or will be your ticket into an AI 5D simulation, which you will be controlled within while thinking you "ascended ". I personally will have nothing to do with any such offering and hope Christians stay focussed on getting into the truly free, naturally abundant and real organic Heaven on Earth; which is a multidimensional plane- "In My Fathers House Are Many Mansions". This money said to have been accumulated by "St. Germain" who discovered immortality (adrenochrome) and how to alchemize metals into gold (dark magic) is from Transylvania originally, the original vampire, and left the money in a trust with families like the Bush's who are withholding it. Psyops abound.🤨

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
22 August, 05:12
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
it did not resonate well with me but I thought to get feedback on it.
My financial thoughts would be if u gave everyome on the planet that much money all at once it would drive up the price of everything because of rhe new demand and make the money worthless.Just like 107 sad everybody would be buying jets for instance then the price of jets would go up the price of food would be astronomical money would be worthless right back where we started. i have said all along surely this is not the plan to help the world. I told them point blank if u gonna repay us for what they robbed for centuries dont give it all at once with no strings attached

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
22 August, 05:56
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Indeed! Everyone would quit their jobs and there would be imminent economic collapse. Now what? Who will build, fly, maintain and service your private jets? Who will drill for the oil, refine the fuel and deliver it, all nasty jobs. Who will work at the airport and serve you cocktails on your private jet when they are now just as wealthy as you are? It would be a disaster. It baffles me that those believing in this are not considering the absolute collapse and, as you said, loss of value to everything if it were to happen. The ultimate trap after such a collapse in a now valueless material world. Earth would become bankrupted, truly dystopian. Thank you for adding a voice of reason and encouraging others to think this through. LOVE is the currency in the New Heaven on Earth. The love from God, free from distortion provides a limitless abundance of all that brings real joy, peace, health, and comfort, in a way which money could never buy. Frens, seek Jeshua and God, not gold.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
22 August, 07:40
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Well I do agree that they cant just make everyone on the planet rich all at once but I do believe these evils have taken our money as slaves forever and the money should be returned to the planet in some form possibly incrementally and partly by way of humanitarian efforts. We need to help the ppl on this planet especially those that have nothing.
I do agree that we as a ppl could be much more productive if we did not have to work as slaves day to day in constant stress and worry as to where our next meal will come from and whether we will loose our roof over our heads when we cant pay the mtg or the rent so I think there is another plan that will work to accomplish this without destroying the planet with ideas to make everyone rich at once.
I have heard several speak of this like Juan and they appear to have thought this through much more than most of us that just post about it.

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
22 August, 07:56
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Yes, we were not created to be slave labor for Elites. A limited supply Currency that a single person can hoard, and collect, causing a lack for others, will never bring about the world you imagine and think should exist. That ideal world does exist in other parrelels here and elsewhere in the cosmos. It funtions differently , starting with different value sets. We are so far removed. The Elohim are working on Blueprints for how to take cuurent earth to such a place. I assure you, there will be no crypto currencies let alone tech or the internet of all things as you know it. If such surrouds you 10 years from now , you are still in hell and didn't make it through the gates. For example, Block chain is said to host the miracles of our free future. Note the Block being ruled upon, with the humans chained to it. Keep your ideal in heart😇. It's as God designed all sans distortions and inversions. It will come about very differently from what you are being told right now. No Block-chain.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
22 August, 08:10
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Well the future that I keep seeing does not appear to be without technology. Perhaps if there are those that know how things should evolve it would be a good thing to share these things now so that there are humans here working towards those ends.

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
22 August, 08:19
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
Many were called here to do that. many books were already planned to be available to seekers. The attacks and intereference have been preventing such. Technology can mean many things. The adanced races and what will be used in the New Heavn on Earth is what you could call a naturallly, built in, organically engineered schematic. It is not only hardwired into the organic design of all creation, it can receive program updates that support linear evolution as well. The dark ones rip off everything from Ogranic creation and then limit its access to maintain control over it. If we would all turn to and embrace the organic realm, we would have access to even far greater advanced "tech" for free. Imagine being able to snap a teletransporter into your space, or bilocate to meet with another over seas, telepathy would be the norm and not just thought transference, full routes of data with imagining. Our biology and the dormant morphogenic templates in the ethers are capabale of awesomeness.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
23 August, 02:02
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
I am just on the tip of this with my visitor/guide.
I wish I could advance faster but understand that part of the coming into it is the learning to do it myself.
We have to find the powers of telepathy and other in ourselves.
I do understand what you are meaning about the internet and some technologies falling away as we will not need them we can do all those things ourselves once we connect and turn them back on.

I have frens that have told me the same.
They said it was very hard getting used to these earth suits and not being able to instantly manifest what ever they wanted.

I have seen many ppl that seem to be just hanging out in the ether at times like they are just waiting on the rest of us. Not sure of how much some of them have powered on or figured out,

Some that cant get me to understand what they thing actually have at times held up written signs.

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Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
23 August, 03:30
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
You are an angel and stay kind, loving, supportive and patient with yourself in All-ways, always. I sometimes speak ahead of things, to code an accelerated closing of timelines. Everyone is going to have their own individual ascension experience inside of a few larger collective ones. It won't be a one size fits all and I hope to be better at acknowledging that when I share insights. All are okay in the big scheme of things. The most beautiful gift our Creator gave the souls fortunate enough to have incarnated here is that of FREE CHOICE. A massive group will be moving forward on a yet polarized highly technologically advanced timeline under technocrats, The Yellow Rose for Texas has been calling that the West Gate and she says, Trump is setting the stage for that group to ascend onto. I concur. I am not here for them. I am here to help, activate, inspire, and to collaborate with those ascending through what she would call the East gate, I speak to that and those who resonate with it.

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Angels Here -Z @SirHuckleberry
Juan O Savin wrote messages all thro the copy of "TheKidOnTheSideOfTheRoad" book that he sent me.
One of the messages made reference to launch pad 39A& 39B. Now I understand those to be rock ship launch pads used by NASA but they resonated with me as being the choices I will have to chose from.
I am not sure which one of those groups Nana will be in because I feel that my whole purpose here is service to others so I am thinking it will be which ever I am need in the most.Future I keep seeing is with JR & technology advancements moving quickly.
I know time is not what we think it is so I feel like what ever family I seem to have waiting for me to return are not really going to be waiting the time frame we feel here on Earth.
I do feel the pull to return tho.
My twin has shown me a family.
I will have to research Yellow Rose more, I have only seen one or two of her videos.
Bless you for sharing information hun. It is difficult to maneuver when your memory has been taken.
05:00 PM - Aug 23, 2021
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Only people mentioned by SirHuckleberry in this post can reply
Alcyone 777 @Alcyone
23 August, 07:37
In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication
That is interesting that you see the two launch pads as the two different directions we can be pulled into, or drive ourselves into.😂
CERN shifted us a lot into degraded timelines over the last few decades. Navigating is trickier for all of us now. Evil is leaving and all are ascending to new platforms, one still polarized with adavnced tech and the other, moving into our oversouls (sense of ego spearation is greatly diminsished) expanded sense of Godself and a more organic way of moving about and manifesting in gratitude for the simple experiences of being pure joy and peace. This is a given. We ALL were originally to go to the organic platform. Another probability had to be created and for a good reason. Happily, many souls who were in rejection and denial of God decided to return home in the final hours. They will be set free from the torture of evil, yet will still have the freedom to work their way back home through free choice in the polarized realm. It will need wayshowers.

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Angels Here -Z donated @SirHuckleberry
23 August, 08:35
In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Thank you for sharing your knowledge hun, like I said it is harder to navigate this world without memory when just coming into self soul.
I suppose when the time comes I will know. I have felt the pure energy self in my NDE so I have that memory solid and I am aware that it is there, I just have to find my way back to it.
I may have to start spending a little more time on self, idk. Somehow I know that I will be fine, and feel more urgent to get others to here.
But thank you, we all need some guidance, I know we have to find our own power ourselves but it is nice to know when we are at least headed in the right direction in the dark.

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