BLM flags are flying at U.S. embassies
But...U.S. embassies are now flying the flag of a militant marxist organization that promotes the overthrow of America’s constitutional order. Embassies are now flying the BLM flag.
U.S. embassies are displaying the flag of an organization whose manifesto is: "Meet our demands America, or we will burn down your country". Per our orders, you will defund your police departments, teach our idealogies in your schools, remove and cancel anything and everything we don't approve of, and totally rewrite your history per our instructions.
This outrage speaks for itself. It brings to mind the expatriot's slogan: "Will the last real American to leave please turn out the lights."
But...U.S. embassies are now flying the flag of a militant marxist organization that promotes the overthrow of America’s constitutional order. Embassies are now flying the BLM flag.
U.S. embassies are displaying the flag of an organization whose manifesto is: "Meet our demands America, or we will burn down your country". Per our orders, you will defund your police departments, teach our idealogies in your schools, remove and cancel anything and everything we don't approve of, and totally rewrite your history per our instructions.
This outrage speaks for itself. It brings to mind the expatriot's slogan: "Will the last real American to leave please turn out the lights."
BLM flags are flying at U.S. embassies, page 1
BLM flags are flying at U.S. embassies, page 1
06:44 AM - Jun 06, 2021
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