Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
29 April, 12:41
Oh, I am having fun on FB tonight. Serving up some roasted liberals πŸ˜‹

Hope all you anons are out there kicking ass and taking names too!

#QFamily #HoldTheLine #letmeknowifyouneedbackup πŸ˜‰

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Alexandra Briza @Alexandra7Briza
29 April, 12:59
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
I think @administrator should check you out or some fro**/s cuz you sound like a cannibal. Anons don't appreciate anything to do with the ways of any language pertaining to EATING PEOPLE! It is unethical, immoral and SATANIC! We see you and the almighty creator sees you. "These people are sick"! Language is your downfall.

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Lee Aura @LeeAnon37
29 April, 01:06
In response Alexandra Briza to her Publication
what the FUCK are you talking about?!?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ serving as in β€œyou got served” and she said β€˜ass’?!!! you are cray cray lady and its ones like u who make us look the same. holy fuckin shit, ya nutball.

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Alexandra Briza @Alexandra7Briza
29 April, 01:28
In response Lee Aura to her Publication
Absolutely NOT, READ IT! "Serving up roasted..." this is what I call indoctrinated. I'm much older than you, I can tell your age by how you write and talk! All anons know about the children and no one would insinuate any talk near like a satanic Hollywood fan!
Taking names for what? We don't waste time with that, alright. Swearing either like a trash can DOES NOT make you a true and honorable patriot! Much learning to do here.

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
29 April, 01:48
In response Alexandra Briza to her Publication
Stop saying β€œwe” like anyone has even attempted to agree with you. We are all on this platform because we know of the horrific things that has happened to these poor children. You are making yourself look like a total twat attacking an anon who fully supports this movement. Maybe you don’t understand the term β€œserved” or β€œroasted” because you are β€œmuch older.” If you spent half the time attacking dumbass liberals on other platforms as you did me then you could call yourself a true anon.

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T.M Manley @GAPatriot73
29 April, 01:54
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Move on Patriot...🐸

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Lane Rae @ItAintEasyBeingGreen
29 April, 01:58
In response T.M Manley to her Publication
I may have had 1 too many beers to be able to do that tonight πŸ˜‚ WAR

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T.M Manley @GAPatriot73
29 April, 02:01
In response Lane Rae to his Publication
Rest well. Tomorrow is another day.

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Only people mentioned by ItAintEasyBeingGreen in this post can reply
T.M Manley @GAPatriot73
29 April, 02:05
In response Lane Rae to his Publication

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