Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
25 February, 03:27
I don't spell everything out on purpose. It would take me no nore than an extra 10 seconds to do so. Why not? So you can dig for yourselves.

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John Anon @freeamerican59
25 February, 03:49
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
We're too busy digging graves for all the Trump supporters dying right now. Or trying to survive in this hellscape. Why don't you guys swear a few hundred thousand of us in or even a few million. We will get the kids out of tunnels or whatever is necessary. What I won't do is listen to your fucking arrogance this is a bad role for you maybe you should go back to intelligence/military whatever you were doing you were supposedly good at that. You're tone deaf and have no business interacting with the base. Go do something productive that helps people. Taking that tone with your own supporters is a bad look. If you don't like what I'm telling you don't be so fucking sensitive. This is war. Egos, feelings - they get hurt. People die. They'll be labor pains rebirthing a nation. So change your approach or not either way I don't care free speech is an all or nothing deal. You gonna block me like Jack now?

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Ghost Ezra @GhostEzra
25 February, 04:36
In response John Anon to his Publication
Pull your panties together John Anon.

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John Anon @freeamerican59
No about me bro. I'm speaking for the dead and suffering. Work on your reading comprehension. I'm speaking out for the dead and suffering Trump supporters and offering to do more to help get this wrapped up. Re-read my post not a mention of my personal situation. This is your response. You couldn't be more tone deaf. You obviously aren't capable of personal reflection or change. So noted. Carry on in your bubble.
04:44 PM - Feb 25, 2021
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication
Only people mentioned by freeamerican59 in this post can reply
Bonnie Stanford @BonnieMorell
26 February, 02:40
In response John Anon to his Publication
Do you even KNOW the true identity of @GhostEzra ?! If you did, you would understand the fact that WE ARE AT WAR. There ARE casualties. There will be more. This is a GLOBAL war, between good and evil... nothing to do with Republican vs Democrat or Presidential elections or even any policy. This has been a military operation initiated over 60 YEARS ago. It MUST BE behind the scenes because the evil, ungodly, corrupt people and entities have access to technology like Project Looking Glass. This is beyond any war you can imagine. Almost 5,000 Q drops have been made public to help people understand a glimpse of the technology involved and the evil we are up against. The cleanup is finishing up in all parts of the globe. The reveal is in stages to prepare people for the big ones. If you’ve been paying attention to the breadcrumbs from Q / Ezra, and other trusted sources, timing wouldn’t matter. It will be worth the wait for those who survive. Now go listen to 432 HZ music, PLEASE. 🐸

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John Anon @freeamerican59
26 February, 02:54
In response Bonnie Stanford to his Publication
yeah i know who he is. that's irrelevant. we were told this would all be done legally - that was a lie. a lie that hurt many innocents including trump voters. killed them. the thing about war is, if you enlist or get drafted you know what you're signed up for. if you are civilian and enemy troops invade you duck for cover or flee. there's rules of engagement. this is irregular warfare, only people who follow q and the ds know what's going on. q isn't the law of the land the Constitution is and it's been ripped apart. this is dangerous. let's say this works and 30 years from now someone uses this precedent for evil purposes. or q could be a long con leading us to a trap. i highly doubt it but i always challenge and ask questions and i worship no man. i hope all comes to fruition and the cost isn't too high. i appreciate your insight i was an edgar cayce follower 25 years ago have used the frequency method. PLEASE go and have a good night and Godspeed

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