Update on Nurse Kristi Simmonds who received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Tuesday, January 19th
by SixthSense
Update on Nurse Kristi Simmonds who received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Tuesday, January 19th
Update on Nurse Kristi Simmonds who received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Tuesday, January 19th - still no improvement MIRRORED FROM: FalconsCAFE (please sub), https://www.bitchute.com/channel/falconscafe/ https://t.me/mrn_death/1270 | https://t…
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Le plus grand Nuremberg de tous les temps se prépare, celui du Plus Grand Crime contre l’Humanité jamais commis. | Pro Fide Catholica
Aujourd’hui, c’est un deuxième tribunal de Nuremberg qui se prépare, avec la mise en place d’une « Class Action » sous l’égide de milliers d’avocats mondiaux derrière l’avocat américano-allemand Reiner Fuellmich qui poursuit les responsables du scandale du Covid-19 instrumentalisé par le Forum de Da..
https://profidecatholica.com/2021/02/18/le-plus-grand-nuremberg-de-tous-les-temps-se-prepare-celui-du-plus-grand-crime-contre-lhumanite-jamais-commis/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
How is Trump not at least partially responsible for this?
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