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Margical ONE
31 October, 10:42
In response Dale Bradburn to his Publication
🌟Definitions to help us innerstand that our path is really about self redemption and faith in the Divine plan ....
✍️ QFS 🖇️🖇️
-- (Q)hrist's (F)requent (S)ervices
✍️ NDA 🖇️🖇️
-- (N)ever (D)oubt (A)ll the evidence
✍️ R. V. 🖇️🖇️
-- (R)evelation then (V)ictory
✍️ Sky-Link System 🖇️🖇️
-- (S)pecial (L)ink to God our (S)avior
✍️ B. R. I. C. S. 🖇️🖇️
-- you need to
(B)elieve, it will be
(R)eally biblical, it is an
( I )ndividual process, all about
(C)hrist being in you, the way to
(S)ave lives / children 👣, 👣
✍️ Humanitarian Projects 🖇️🖇️
-- (H)elping (P)eople
✍️ Gitmo 🖇️🖇️
-- (G)etting (I)n (T)he (M)onster's (O)ven !
✍️ JFK 🖇️🖇️
-- (J)oy (F)aith (K)indness
✍️ E B S 🖇️🖇️
-- (E)very (B)ody will be (S)aved 💒
-- (E)very (B)iblical (S)ignal 🌎
✏️....written by ms🅱️ - much💕thank you!
✍️ QFS 🖇️🖇️
-- (Q)hrist's (F)requent (S)ervices
✍️ NDA 🖇️🖇️
-- (N)ever (D)oubt (A)ll the evidence
✍️ R. V. 🖇️🖇️
-- (R)evelation then (V)ictory
✍️ Sky-Link System 🖇️🖇️
-- (S)pecial (L)ink to God our (S)avior
✍️ B. R. I. C. S. 🖇️🖇️
-- you need to
(B)elieve, it will be
(R)eally biblical, it is an
( I )ndividual process, all about
(C)hrist being in you, the way to
(S)ave lives / children 👣, 👣
✍️ Humanitarian Projects 🖇️🖇️
-- (H)elping (P)eople
✍️ Gitmo 🖇️🖇️
-- (G)etting (I)n (T)he (M)onster's (O)ven !
✍️ JFK 🖇️🖇️
-- (J)oy (F)aith (K)indness
✍️ E B S 🖇️🖇️
-- (E)very (B)ody will be (S)aved 💒
-- (E)very (B)iblical (S)ignal 🌎
✏️....written by ms🅱️ - much💕thank you!
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