ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
18 September, 11:21
Who around here is sick & tired of buying stuff made in China?
Seems like a bargain, 'till it breaks, and you gotta buy another one.
Inferior metals and lack of quality control. Faulty everything.
Faulty nuts & bolts holding things made of faulty steel. 😡
What's in the paint and plastics anyways? Toxic waste?
There are no product safety controls in China.
Laborers there working long days to earn $1/day? That's slavery, especially when a bowl of soup costs that much.
WalMart did lots to destroy American manufacturing.
And as for them car parts made in Mexico.
How good a part really do you think someone paid $2-$3/hour is gonna make? Really now.
110% with President & CIC Trump...TARIFFS!!!!
Force BALANCED TRADE and a Level Playing Field.
That will also force RAISED STANDARDS OF LIVING everywhere.

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Susie __Q @Susie_Q
19 September, 12:32 (E)
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
Allowing pig iron from China to enter OUR Livelihoods, OUR Military, OUR Buildings, is domestic and foreign war against Americans AND should handled as such. The amount of sheared bolts is probably more than anyone can comprehend.

I have banned Chinese products for decades.
I leave it on the shelf.

Yes, we HAVE to purchase some items because we have no choice due to the soul selling choices OUR treasonous "leaders" made/make.

I believe Americans NOW realize after 30-40 years of shopping themselves out of their jobs they too are leaving it on the shelf. Better late than never. I told them in the '80's...I say it now...
Leave It On The Shelf.

Purchase American and I promise it will last. Purchase Chinese and I promise from socks to bolts you will replace it more than once.

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
19 September, 12:42
In response Susie __Q to her Publication
Shifting to contaminated foreign steel was purposeful, especially concerning faulty Military Armor, but also infrastructure.
Much will have to be rebuilt.
Recycled steel by nature is usually contaminated (for example with copper) and only can be diluted with fresh iron ore, but the imperfections are still there. Adding low grade iron ore (for example high sulfur) only adds to the problem.
Shear and torque values cannot be trusted on any China-made steel IMO.
Compare a China-made bearings to an original USA Made Timkin bearing, and the early failure rate on China made is your proof.

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Susie __Q @Susie_Q

It would be lovely to have a Congressional Hearing
On Your Expertise Of Understanding.
Folks don't get it. They need to hear truth so they can grasp, put together the puzzle pieces on the intent of harm without ever firing a shot. Our $$ IS building Chinese bullets not helping the nice Chinese Families. Their inferior products is the demise of our infrastructure, military safety.

My Dad shot the Chinese.
His tolerance amazes me that he will give a Chinese product a chance which always complicates his situation. It breaks.

On his Kabota tractor, purchase a belt, a bolt from China and almost immediately need to return and replace.

He orders USA product and all is happy, because I keep telling him to know what you are purchasing.
The dealership doesn't care if you spend most your day getting new parts. Chinese profit margin is obviously better but not better for customer service, customer relationship.
02:12 PM - Sep 19, 2024
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
Only people mentioned by Susie_Q in this post can reply
ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
19 September, 06:17
In response Susie __Q to her Publication
Your Dad must be a Korean War Veteran, and he's my Hero for standing up against Communism.
Today is the anniversary of the completion of General MacArthur's landings at Inchon, BTW.

September 15-19, 1950

Inchon Landings - First Pictures (1950) - YouTube

Inchon landings - first pictures. Korea.SV Sailor in gun turret. GV Convoy in background. SV G.I. on board ship cleaning rifles. SV G.I. seated on deck of cl...

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Susie __Q @Susie_Q
20 September, 03:00 (E)
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
Yes. Thank You.

Thank You For Sharing.
Interesting you knew that.

Dad was Army Corporal Paratrooper.
Dad just celebrated his 96th birthday. 👍
Dad trained Filipinos to jump. Dad jumped twice into combat, October 1950,
and March 1951. He brought home a Russian carbine rifle.

His brother Johnny was there too.
That wasn't supposed to happen. Johnny was killed and they discovered Dad was there. Immediately they shipped Dad to Japan and didn't tell him about Johnny until he was shipped out of the war. Dad was in battle a year then shipped home because of having brothers in battle, a mistake by the Army.

Johnny is definitely a Hero.
Dad is definitely a Hero.

Tough as nails. When I was 3-4 years old, he'd do one arm push ups with me sitting on his back.

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ol_ cowboy @ol_cowboy
19 September, 06:05
In response Susie __Q to her Publication
I actually suspect that in a GESARA/BRICS world that everything is gonna change. Gold backed currencies mean Nations HAVE TO BALANCE TRADE or lose their Gold, so I think the Jig is up. Further, I think there is massive transformation happening in China we cannot see publicly yet. Xi initiated an anti-corruption campaign I think starting in 2012 or so, and millions were arrested. Who would be the corrupt? The CCP-Cabal scum = ~90 million controlling 1.3 Billion+ souls. Remember Mao was empowered by the same Internationalist Central Banker Demon Bloodlines we are fighting. I'm sure China is as sick of the Cabal as the rest of the world. Some rumblings are out there that great battles already took place with Alliance Forces helping free China-Republic-Mainland Forces that clobbered the heck out of CCP so let's hope all that is true. My take on China-Taiwan is they will work together to clean out the human/drug/organ trafficking networks in Taiwan & reunite as a free China Republic.

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Susie __Q @Susie_Q
20 September, 02:38
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
I totally agree.

The CCP is toast.
I'm expecting Xi to be a part of Trump's plan getting rid of the CCP.

Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, RESTART Leader getting rid of the mulahs in Iran & show up as the new President Of Persia when Trump gets back.

I'd say we're in mop up mode. Evildoers are getting comfortable thinking Harris will get in. Time to clean the floor with the swabs.

Jesus Name Father God's Wall Of Protection Surrounds Each One
Of Our Special Folks
As They Go To And Fro
Flushing Out Evildoers.

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Susie __Q @Susie_Q
20 September, 03:33
In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication
This is a favorite of mine.



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