War on housing.
The UK has a bit longer experience with net zero energy codes than the US. homeowners and landlords.
Government rules which ensure housing meets net zero targets have been branded “draconian” by a landlords group, who say costs massively outweigh benefits.
Under new proposals, landlords will be blocked from letting properties unless they upgrade them to meet net zero energy efficiency targets as soon as 2028.
(UK) Homes will be required to have an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C or above and landlords could face fines of up to £30,000 if they breach these rules.
The UK has a bit longer experience with net zero energy codes than the US. homeowners and landlords.
Government rules which ensure housing meets net zero targets have been branded “draconian” by a landlords group, who say costs massively outweigh benefits.
Under new proposals, landlords will be blocked from letting properties unless they upgrade them to meet net zero energy efficiency targets as soon as 2028.
(UK) Homes will be required to have an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of C or above and landlords could face fines of up to £30,000 if they breach these rules.

Net zero housing rules branded 'draconian' and painful for landlords
Net Zero rules which ensure housing meets targets have been branded "draconian" by a landlords group, with costs outweighing benefits
09:28 AM - Jan 21, 2024
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