Restored Republic👉 JUDY NOTE: Countries of the BRICS Alliance were soon activating their gold/asset-backed currencies as a result of the demise of the privately owned fiat US Federal Reserve Dollar and their quest for Global Financial Stability. This would cut off the Vatican’s Khazarian Mafia’s US Inc. money supply – which would mean an end to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS or Central Banks), UN, European Crown (EU) and Vatican – and reason why banks all over the World were failing this coming week, including the Deep State owned Central Banks.
Global Military White Hat Alliance to the rescue: As John F. Kennedy said on Telegram on Sun. 5 Nov, “The Matrix has been reloaded. Extinction phase started”.
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Global Military White Hat Alliance to the rescue: As John F. Kennedy said on Telegram on Sun. 5 Nov, “The Matrix has been reloaded. Extinction phase started”.
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03:42 PM - Nov 06, 2023
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