Clandestine does have 129K followers.
Still, don't underestimate how big an impact smaller accounts can have red-pilling in threads.
Check it out!
Gateway Pundit put out an article featuring my viral thread about the origins of the Biolabs in Ukraine!
Which has now amassed a remarkable 11 million+ views on Twitter!

"Pharma, MSM, Tech, Intel, Zelensky, WHO, Deep State All Working Together to Cover Up Bioweapons in Ukraine"
Blogger Jacob Creech aka @WarClandestine is back on Twitter thanks to Elon Musk, who first broke the Ukraine biolabs story Feb. 24, which Gateway Pundit was one of the only media to report on accurately. Now Creech has released a Twitter thread detailing how “WW3 already started. Covid-19 was .. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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... and a german physician.
Thankfully Charles Rixey is still on there. This kind of censorship sucks. I loved the scientific conversations...
Blessed be the backchannels!
I'm not sure I want to give Twitter anymore of my content.
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The shill, QFS, Trump coin bullshit artists all coming back at once instantly makes anything else become less believable by type.
Clandestine is way too dialled in to be a random dude imo
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Likely a name we'd recognize
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"According to ADL’s Center on Extremism, Jacob Creech created a slew of anonymous accounts under aliases like “WarClandestine” and “BioClandestine” and posted about the theory across major platforms."

Thread by @WarClandestine on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
@WarClandestine: 1) Hey Twitter, It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine". I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached). In this thread, I...… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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