I HAD A DREAM A WHILE BACK... it should me the MMR vaxx is the gateway vaxx to open your cells up to illness... the dreams goes into more detail but i will leave it at that.

I have had dreams all my life about a lot of things .. it would surprise you at what has been exposed to me.

video WELL WORTH THE WATCH !!!!!!!!! 1 HR AND 30 MINS

03:46 PM - Sep 17, 2022
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Sarah Connor donated @Sarahconnor
25 September, 07:08
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
Also make sure to watch VAXXED2

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Truth Seeker @JacksRule
25 September, 05:20
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
All my auto-immune issues started shortly after the RH-Negative shot given after the birth of my son. Did some research and it appears there is a LARGE number of women who started having auto-immune issues after receiving this shot. Unfortunately, a large number of us trusted our doctors. I saw testimony that the alumnium being placed in our shots is the bad kind, and it’s showing up in the brain.

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Elle Truth @DivaMommy
25 September, 05:00
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
Truth. In Dec, 1984 I was told to get the Measles jab for school. Back then they were separate and they did not administer a combo MMR.
Walked out of clinic and realized nurse had given me (unecessary) mumps shot instead. Traipsed back in and got the measles shot.
In less than a week I was suffering from idiopathic allergic reaction- all the skin on my body itched as if I was one big mosquito bite with no vidual marks or indications. For years any amount of excess sun exposure caused this reaction. Within 5 months of the two shots I had constant stomach pain that would come and go, lasting several months at a time.
I finally got a diagnosis of Mastocytosis/Mast Cell Disease, a rare blood disorder that used to result in a 30% chance of dying of either Leukemia or Cancer.
Did they deliberately combine the shots into one MMR shot to inflict the damage faster or more severely? its interesting that this was combined and that this was the most problematic shot in regards to damage unt

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25 September, 05:11
In response Elle Truth to her Publication
Oh my, I am so sorry... I would like to ask if you ever tried to go see a well trained and educated holistic dr.. they are trained in both western medicine as well as the natural approach.

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Courtney Webster @Patriot777_
21 November, 10:22
In response Elle Truth to her Publication
after my childhood vaccines i went to florida in 2007 i was at disney w my fam and i got hive like rash all over my body that was exposed to the sun. this happened for years really bad. it was very itchy. im not sure what changed in my DNA but i dont get this "sun rash" as severe anymore. my doctor didnt know what its all about but said i am technically allergic to the sun. my gym teacher used to laugh at me when we went outside and i said i can't because i am allergic to the sun and get a bad rash.......🙄🙄🙄😳 vax damage

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judith Kennison @JudyinAmerica
25 September, 04:50
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
what clif highs opinion on what WEF wants to do about workd wide lockdowns

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25 September, 04:52
In response judith Kennison to her Publication
this was a good video... watched it earlier today.

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litl_junebug @litl_junebug
25 September, 04:48
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
The Epoch times posted info on this documentary yesterday. It sheds light on the role of aluminum additives in vaccinations in humans and pets. It's a little long - I skipped the middle part, but still learned a lot.


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25 September, 04:49
In response litl_junebug to her Publication
thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!

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Laura Truther King @LauraTrutherKing
25 September, 05:45
In response litl_junebug to her Publication
They have always been intended to create future healthcare customers and shorten lives.

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Cindy Brauneker @CJGrandma
25 September, 04:23
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
I have always said that vaccines are bad. ALL vaccines. Always thought it was insane to inject diseases into you to prevent diseases.... Logic tells you this is a bad idea. Never got vaxxs after I grew up... 👍

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25 September, 04:26
In response Cindy Brauneker to her Publication
the amazing thing is they have lied to us all about every aspect of it... then called you names like "anti"-vaxxer when you question anything about their research. Seems to me.. like the jig is up...and they have no where else to hide anymore... thank God.l

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Laura Truther King @LauraTrutherKing
25 September, 03:27
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
All vaxes are to create future healthcare customers and curtail natural life spans. All of them Our evil overlords don't want a healthy population living to 130. My mother discovered years ago that unvaccinated cats lived up to twice as long as those the vet persuaded her to have vaxed.

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25 September, 03:29
In response Laura Truther King to her Publication
thank you for bringing that up about pets.... this is soo true... people aren't getting it .... not just that but the pet food as well... it's no better than the garbage this death cult wants us to eat.

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Laritha Savage @Laritha
25 September, 03:24
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
Even the annual flu shot. I never took vaccines and my parents never tried to force me.

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
17 September, 03:57
In response TRUTH SEEKER to her Publication
100% vaxx and 2020 election denier here. ALL VAX'S... Waiting for some nazi fed's to come to do something about it...

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