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11. kingdom of goodness and light to be dissolved from this moment forward. It is my desire for my children to live with me in the kingdom of love. Divine Creator God”
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8. field of creation. Be still and know my name. Be still and find the frequency within, your personal identity I bestowed to you encrypted in the golden patterning of your DNA. Look within and you will find me. Seek within my golden field the golden harvest of divinity and you
9. will only know goodness and light. Find me and the treasures of my kingdom will be with you always, forever flowing in the field of infinite possibilities, a dimension where there exists only the peace of your divine consciousness. This is the state of total enlightenment,
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5. with the Father.
“Be still and know that I Am God. Be still and know that I Am the Creator of all. All power and glory is from me. I’m sending my light, my love, my codes to open the encryption of divinity written within your DNA. The resonant frequency of the song of divinity
6. flows within you, a song so pure, so sweet and of such beauty it will fill your being with joy. Your heart center will light up with an energy of love so profound, so majestic and so radiant it will heal all of the sorrow that is stored within this sacred place.
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2. in the 5D world and beyond. When I arrived at the ocean, I saw beautiful silver light dancing upon the surface of the water. I felt the energy of the Christ and was reminded of the story in the Bible when Jesus was on the boat during the storm & commanded the waters to be calm.
3. We are at the point in our spiritual development when we know our roles as beacons of light to others and know the importance of finding the place of stillness, the glorious Christ light that dwells within us. We must remember to live from this light and be like the lighthouse
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2. anniversary. Immediately after hearing this, I saw time move backwards in increments of 25 years; -25, -50, -75, -100,.... until the moment when I saw the silver frequencies of the divine feminine being turned off like a light switch in our energetic systems by the darkness.
3. Moving forward to the present time, the energy of today is evidence these frequencies have been turned back on with great magnificence. We are integrating these energies and have anchored an incredible influx of power and love into our energy fields.
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5. He lifts his arm, points across the land & says that soon the time will arrive when this land, the Americas and the land of the entire world will be made majestic again. He continues to say that the bird tribes will soon populate the earth & bring back to us the ancient wisdom
6. that had been long forgotten. The bird tribes, our cosmic family, know of this ancient wisdom because they are our ancestors. This will herald in a time of great change bringing sacredness back to the earth.
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Share this video Patriots if you want to give President Trump your support.🇺🇸
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🍿🐸➡️Backchannels are important⬅️🐸🍿

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump | Donald J. Trump
Over the past four years, Donald J. Trump's administration delivered for Americans of all backgrounds like never before. Save America is about building on those accomplishments! Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Only followers of this user (carlacoelho) can see their posts
The third image I see are angels lined up on both sides of the road I am traveling on. They are welcoming us to the new world of enlightenment. For those of you reading this who do not yet see angels and desire to, the energy is being made available for you to more easily communicate with the angelic realm. You know it is an angel that is with you if they vibrate at the frequency of love..."
The message in its entirety is found at:
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You read something on your social media accounts or hear someone tell a story that causes you great fear. When this occurs the negative information literally stops the circular flow of the breath and stagnates it creating shallow breathing.
As a result of this fear and interruption in the normal rhythmic breathing pattern, a new pattern of shallow breathing not conducive to the spiritual self emerges. We ask that you remember to take deep breaths, and as you inhale, breathe in the love of Divine Creator. Breathe in the light of Divine Creator.
Inhale the breath of life and let this flow through your organs, your tissues, your cells, your molecules and in between the atoms, throughout and around your entire being. This breath is the energy of light. It is the frequency of the Creator in motion creating that which flows with the breath..."
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You read something on your social media accounts or hear someone tell a story that causes you great fear. When this occurs the negative information literally stops the circular flow of the breath and stagnates it creating shallow breathing.
As a result of this fear and interruption in the normal rhythmic breathing pattern, a new pattern of shallow breathing not conducive to the spiritual self emerges. We ask that you remember to take deep breaths, and as you inhale, breathe in the love of Divine Creator. Breathe in the light of Divine Creator.
Inhale the breath of life and let this flow through your organs, your tissues, your cells, your molecules and in between the atoms, throughout and around your entire being. This breath is the energy of light. It is the frequency of the Creator in motion creating that which flows with the breath..."
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Samuel Eckert Offers $1 Million For Proof of COVID 19! Now It's On - Health -
German journalist Samuel Eckert is offering a reward of 1 million dollars for those who provide irrefutable proof of the existence of Covid-19. By proof, he means the isolation of the virus according to Koch’s postulates… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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Message 4/20/2021: "...I then saw images of angels and heard, “Angels from the North, the Nordics.“ These angels are here to assist us and are giving us a gift. I see one of the angels with a crystalline box that fits in the palm of the hand.
This crystalline box is one that holds the energy of infinite possibilities. These angels ask us to expand our consciousness to imagine all the good we believe is possible in our lives and is possible for humanity.
If you feel so inclined, ask the angels to hand you a crystalline box with the energy of infinite possibilities. You then are able to use this to assist in creating your life and the world in a way that is filled with great joy.
Place your thoughts of the highest and best for yourself and for humanity into this crystalline box and these will be energized with the frequencies of unlimited possibilities to help manifest that which you desire."
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We say to you to keep the faith. Stand firm in your spiritual integrity and be like the lighthouse attached to the rock, a solid, steadfast foundation that no storm is able to topple. Even in the most horrendous of storms, the light in the light house continues to send unwavering light to guide the ships to safety. You are that lighthouse. You are that beacon for others to guide them to the light within. That is why you were called here to read this message. It is calling you to remember who you are, to thine own self be true..."
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We say to you to keep the faith. Stand firm in your spiritual integrity and be like the lighthouse attached to the rock, a solid, steadfast foundation that no storm is able to topple. Even in the most horrendous of storms, the light in the light house continues to send unwavering light to guide the ships to safety. You are that lighthouse. You are that beacon for others to guide them to the light within. That is why you were called here to read this message. It is calling you to remember who you are, to thine own self be true..."
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America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"
America's wonderful men and women in uniform (Marines) participating in worship, lifting their voices to Almighty God as they sing "Days of Elijah." Love the energy and camaraderie as they praise the God of Psalm 91.
Lord we pray that You continue to protect each and every one of our men and women on the front lines, and You bring comfort and peace to their families.
Many thanks to Merrie Pardee Baldwin for first submitting this to Facebook.
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Things Are Not Getting Worse. They Are Getting Uncovered. We Must Hold Each Other Tight As They Continue To Pull Back The Veil.
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I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America! - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** The following statements by Dr. Derick Knauss on the identity of the virus and on the failures of the PCR test are corroborated by n.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Only followers of this user (carlacoelho) can see their posts
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Please understand the pineal gland is a broadcast tower and it transmits frequencies; the higher the frequency the better the transmission. It transmits the frequency to every cell, molecule and atom within our being in addition to our whole energetic field.
The om frequency is kicking up the frequency of this transmission another notch so that we become closer to the Creator and begin to live from our divinity..."
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