Iam Mie
26 December, 11:59
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
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Iam Mie
12 December, 10:23
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Nice 12"s there! Happy 12/12 jimbo!
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Iam Mie
14 October, 11:40
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
@beverly1111 ...thank you! Confirmation and msg received
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Iam Mie
14 October, 11:30
In response Truth Seeker to his Publication
Ah, Dr. Judy, you beautiful being! ...You are a huge part of this transformation and it's underway! Hope to connect with you soon!
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Iam Mie
08 September, 10:07
In response Silver Cat to his Publication
Good interview!
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Iam Mie
08 September, 09:05
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
I had the thought this am...How is it that an invisible virus can create so much money (and chaos)? Ah the problem/soultion scheme! Panic and fear sell, well I'm not buying.
I'll choose peace instead...
A peaceful warrior is very different from the warmongers who profit (prophet?😉) from destruction.
I'll choose peace instead...
A peaceful warrior is very different from the warmongers who profit (prophet?😉) from destruction.
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Iam Mie
08 September, 08:25
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
I'm here for a bit now...the life balancing act is a lil tricky at times, but all who seek Truth are able...and we are always connected to each other. 🥰😘 much ❤️ sister!
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Iam Mie
08 September, 07:59
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
Hello Lauren! 👋 😃 how are you? I've not been around here much as i have been working in the local realms towards new wellness paradigms. It is pleasant to see new things evolving out of the chaos that has been and I look forward to the great future that is becoming. We have much yet to accomplish...sending love, continued strength and courage for the journey ahead.
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Iam Mie
13 July, 06:46
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
Luke 4:24
New International Version
24 “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
New International Version
24 “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
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Iam Mie
08 July, 07:46
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
🙏🙏🙏 prayers for you and all in the path!
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Iam Mie
03 May, 08:33
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
Happy Fri-yay Lauren! 😃🥰
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Iam Mie
02 May, 12:03
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
interesting things Happening! - micro/macro-cosm unfolding -
Though it feels good NOW!
interesting things Happening! - micro/macro-cosm unfolding -
Though it feels good NOW!
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Iam Mie
01 May, 11:43
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Hi Jimbo! Hope you are well! :)
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Iam Mie
20 April, 10:14
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
time of 9:43 - noted as so directed - again, just sharing as directed by souRce.
feel free to share any feedback you receive...
feel free to share any feedback you receive...
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Iam Mie
20 April, 10:03
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
The Truth | Consequences | Aj | Operation Sandman | Mission Accomplished | Be Good To Others | I Am Unlocking The Code G | Teachin The Cabal Lesson
My Heart Is Pure | Ark Of The Covenant | Here Comes The Sun | Ghost In The Machine | Code Fifth Dimension | October Thirty | A Divine Frequency | Emergency Broadcast | Glide Part Grift Z | The Clock Is Ticking | President Barack Obama | Q Clearance Patriot | Twin Flame Arrow | Cave Of Treasures | Constellations | Ex Opere Operato
My Heart Is Pure | Ark Of The Covenant | Here Comes The Sun | Ghost In The Machine | Code Fifth Dimension | October Thirty | A Divine Frequency | Emergency Broadcast | Glide Part Grift Z | The Clock Is Ticking | President Barack Obama | Q Clearance Patriot | Twin Flame Arrow | Cave Of Treasures | Constellations | Ex Opere Operato
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Iam Mie
20 April, 09:54
In response Iam Mie to her Publication
Mother of Dragons...
Felt an intense need to share this - IDK why right now...
Much love and light
Sending blessings!
Mother of Dragons...
Felt an intense need to share this - IDK why right now...
Much love and light
Sending blessings!
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Iam Mie
09 April, 11:51
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication

Iam Mie on AnonUp.com
Hmm, wondering what's going on here? https://qalerts.app/?q=start = 165 posts https://qagg.news/?q=start&q2= 148 posts difference? 165-148=17 Start 371-173 4
https://anonup.com/thread/13940159Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
Iam Mie
23 March, 12:03
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Can you say prep for deep fakes to "debunk" video footage of other real shennagins that are slated for the future??? Consider carefully...
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Iam Mie
10 March, 09:10
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
3/8/24(6/8) = 17/19 (ah 17! And who'll be the 19th president?) 17= 8, 19=1
You can look up meaning of 8s and 8&1 for additional info. Wishing you peace and abundance!
I'm a March baby too! Happy Birthday March babies! 🥳
You can look up meaning of 8s and 8&1 for additional info. Wishing you peace and abundance!
I'm a March baby too! Happy Birthday March babies! 🥳
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Iam Mie
09 March, 08:38
In response Hope Always888 to her Publication
Happy Birthday!
Some numbers for today 3/9/24/2024(6/8) =
9 or 11 depending on how see it
Here's to things lining up for you today!😃
Some numbers for today 3/9/24/2024(6/8) =
9 or 11 depending on how see it
Here's to things lining up for you today!😃
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Iam Mie
09 March, 08:31
In response willow patriot to his Publication
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Iam Mie
29 February, 11:09
In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication
Unless truthful man knows person questioning is a liar...
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Iam Mie
27 February, 09:00
In response Love Outweighs Fear to his Publication
It's also a number of angelic presence (in a good way)
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Iam Mie
26 February, 07:58
In response Robby Ball to his Publication
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Iam Mie
20 February, 10:56
In response Laura -VS to her Publication
I stopped buying Tyson a while back, their chicken started tasting "funny"
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Iam Mie
14 February, 11:15
In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication
Thinking of you and sending love and blessings to you Lauren!
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Iam Mie
09 February, 12:14
In response Annie AnonLover to her Publication
🙏🙏🙏Prayers up for you u!
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Iam Mie
09 February, 12:08
In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication
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Iam Mie
01 February, 10:57
In response Chris David Bell to his Publication
Forgive me Lord...
I don't wanna know what Podesta is gonna do with that baton, but I'd like to see him and a few others on the receiving end of experiencing a baton...
I don't wanna know what Podesta is gonna do with that baton, but I'd like to see him and a few others on the receiving end of experiencing a baton...
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Iam Mie
01 February, 10:48
In response Ice Kates to her Publication
Take 5! 😍https://www.youtube.com/wa...
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