The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
15 February, 10:10

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
07 December, 10:07
Let’s all remember the worst president in history! Let this be his portrait of his presidency.

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
04 December, 06:11
These are the “drones” that people are seeing over NJ. I recorded them flying over my house in what looked like a mapping pattern. This was taken 12/3 around 11:05pm. I have videos of them flying in this pattern for like 10 min before I was tonsils and had to go inside

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
11 November, 11:55
My wife just sent me this 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Got money for illegals though don’t ya!! This is absolutely disgusting!!!

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
10 September, 05:21

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JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod
18 August, 03:06

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
05 August, 06:58

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
04 August, 02:30
Get my vacation in before the shit hits the fan!!

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
03 August, 10:50
Note the date this letter was written, WW1 started in 1910 I think? Funny how the letter lays out exactly how the 2 wars played out and the outcomes they brought. Now on to the third. Conspiracy you say?

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
29 July, 02:09
Remember this Olympic opening ceremony?? They shove it right in your face

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
29 July, 05:55
Apparently this is on a poster in an Amazon prime movie from 2020 🧐

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19 July, 08:29

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
19 July, 05:40

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
15 July, 11:13
They really think we are this stupid!!

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
15 July, 11:08
@Robertauthor I stole your pic and added the red circles. I wanted to point out that the pic on the left has a slit/slice in the lobe. Maxwell Yearick had giant black ear plugs in a lot of his photos. That slit is from where the black plugs go. You can’t hide that!!

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
14 July, 07:04

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
13 July, 11:10

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
13 July, 08:31

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
03 July, 07:55
Starting early this morning

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
05 June, 04:35
Rumor has it this may hit $1.00!! I’d jump onboard if I was you!! Not a financial advisor at all but if you got $20.00 what’s there to lose

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23 May, 06:43
MAGA TRUMP 2024 PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
11 May, 11:07
North Jersey last night

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
09 May, 08:14 (E)
You Admitted that Work for Who....??? You Do What...??? 😂

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
16 April, 08:16

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
15 March, 05:12

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
12 March, 12:22
My local election today 3/12/2024, no ID required!!! Just asked my name and address

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
07 March, 09:46
Looks like they are trying to shut Trump up during the state of the union

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The Qonspiracist @TheQonspiracist
22 February, 09:57

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Robert Wakefield @Robertauthor
17 February, 02:28
Time to dig deeper into this! 😳


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Kuntuzangpo 1776 @Kuntuzangpo1776
08 February, 11:14


"The ships were not only owned by Jews but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the co.mand of Jewish captains"

From Serendipity


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