Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
05 February, 06:48
Would you like the " I Told You So " now and get it over with ?


Wait a few for accumulation with interest ?

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
23 January, 08:47
Dear NOVA,
Instead of releasing a documentary on UFO's, which a large percentage of the world population know they exist and the most profound evidence points to * mall incident *, why won't your crew make a documentary about why the public have been lied to for decades and the reasons behind it?

Pack your bags

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
21 January, 09:54
When are you paying attention ?
There are no coincidences !
Who makes the rules to the game ? No Theories , Only Facts !
Be O - ne
This is not over, they know [ THEIR ] end is nigh, desperation

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
20 January, 07:05
TIME'S UP ! ! ! !

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
09 January, 07:17
Message Received


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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
09 January, 12:34
No Nation is Sovereign & Independent if they are still under & use Crown Law & IBC

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
06 January, 06:52
Message Received

Let them bring it to a vote

Will look into it, if possible will manifest

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
06 January, 06:01
Sure, what has been revealed to you about electromagnetism does not exist
Just the the pedo network
Just like the cannibal clubs
Just like the medbeds
Just like pizza gate
Just like TR3B
Just like . . . .

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
06 January, 05:58

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
04 January, 10:11
That is not the " Q "uestiion you should be asking, reframe it

It should be :

If H-1B workers are so skilled, then why do they need to be educated at American tax player's expense ?
Shouldn't that expense go to educate Americans so they can be skilled at said work ?

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
02 January, 08:23
Massive shift incoming

Prepare accordingly, remain calm

The shit that has hit the fan is returning ! ! !

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
31 December, 09:47
WE here at the Temple wish everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year ! ! !

May his blessing be upon ALL

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Noelle Noelle @Noelle
24 December, 07:34

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Deb Cummings @lizdeb56
20 December, 03:00

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
20 December, 12:25
Primary ( them ) ?
Why wait so long ?
RECALL ! ! ! OUST ( them ) !


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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
20 December, 10:09
The pressure is on
TX hold'em
Who will fold?
Who will continue playing?


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Robin Oxman @Robino
19 December, 01:45
Do u have the script for Cancer under the Ivermectin plan? My friend went to the MD yesterday...The MD said u have turbo and u are going to die....True Story....I can not find my Ivermection breakdown......I want to give it to him....

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
11 December, 10:46
There is no " Alien " invasion < - ( been here long before us )
( they ) are here to help against the ancients, not invade

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
10 December, 12:36
It is going to take years to count all of the I told you so's

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Truth Seeker @JacksRule
28 November, 08:38

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
19 November, 06:40

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
17 November, 04:10
Dear ALL of Hollywood
The clock ticks against you

The time has come to clean up your (A C Ts)
No pun intended

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
14 November, 09:01
It was the WILL of the people that created the red tsunami and therefore it should be the people who decides the Speakership and Leadership, NOT the already elected !
These are key positions of power that should not be left to the select few, but to the people who elected them in the first place. If there is any evidence for the people to vote on the Speakership and Leaderships, look no farther than McConnell and the gang

Choose Wisely !

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
13 November, 12:04
This is still the awakening phase,
That is to come soon, be prepared
much work needs .to be done

[THEIR] last stand for survival is at hand

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
13 November, 12:01
Still doubting us?
How much proof do you continue to need?

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
07 November, 07:02
Warning to ALL
This is not over by a long shot ! ! !
Stay vigilant, [they] are backed into a corner now and will do anything by means at [their] disposal

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
07 November, 02:36
You may question our methods, but never doubt the effectiveness
Had to get you in the fight because we believe in you, you have a good heart and moral.standing, he trusts our judgement, you should know to verify

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
06 November, 08:08
This is when the pain begins!

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
05 November, 04:50
Over the course of a few hours, one thing will be certainly clear. Either we hang together or hang separately. This is not about the whims of the few but the survival of the majority. We already know that what is at stake out weighs the prejudices that has held progress in retention for the sake of power and control of the population. The founding fathers understood this all too well drafting a set of sacred moral laws which the few in power refuse to acknowledge for personal gain. Today we win for the voiceless. Today we win for the forgotten. Today we win for the children. Today we win to undo the burdens that has been placed to hinder us all. Today we win for the legacy of America for which it stands and when the day is at its end, the world will finally know we mean business. The wait is finally over. Freedom is within our reach. We can not fail now, rejoice! God bless this Nation and its people. May the Founders guide and protect their founding. All for one!
AD Astra

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Mystic Knight @MysticKnight
02 November, 02:03
When [THEY] say "climate change"
[THEY] do not mean the weather
But the societal construct and mainstream lives

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