TheBest isYet2Come @Candidiam17
08 May, 10:47
In response EAGLE 777 to his Publication
This is right...but even though this family are front men they come from the very same bloodline as the Farneses (pope paul III) who are not Italians.... they are Phoenicians. They are not jewish or christian or romans or any such. They are pagan worshippers since way way back and they practiced satanism.

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Detective RedPanda17News @RealPersonJedi
06 May, 02:58
Are you ready for the return of the greatest President of all time? 🇺🇸

Share this video Patriots if you want to give President Trump your support.🇺🇸

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Mystical Mrs @MysticalMrs
07 May, 01:45

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Kat Donnell @katdonnell
07 May, 11:00
In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
Good Morning Patriots!!

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Water Mark @Watermark
06 May, 11:00
"Never wound a snake; kill it."

Harriet Tubman

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Q2Infinity 5D Earth @Patriot_iss
07 May, 11:39

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
07 May, 11:41
Lin Wood is on fire! 🔥🔥🔥

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JFK Jr Fan @JFKJrFan
07 May, 10:41
Happy Fryday Truth Seeker. 🍳

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Dr. Bobbi Anne White @vrajavala
06 May, 10:09
Way to Go Sir!!

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My Balcony Garden NEWS ℹ️ @mybalconygarden
05 May, 02:55

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UK# Patriot17 @UKPatriot17
04 May, 08:59
The media is the virus.

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Exploration Gematria @Gematriaexploration
03 May, 03:17

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Amy Amazing Middle Child @amyamazingmiddlechild
01 May, 07:49
Steve Ferguson

If you believe in masks wear one. Wear one while driving alone. Wear one in the shower. Wear it to bed. Wear it while having sex. Wear it outdoors. JUST LEAVE THE REST OF US ALONE. WE ARE NOT AFRAID

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Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
01 May, 08:15
Happy May 1st
5/1/2021 🌸

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My Name is ⬅️MarQ➡️ @Babyjoe_tweeters
30 April, 07:16
TRUTH and how they prevent you from knowing it...

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
30 April, 07:31
Mind-blowing 🙀🔥🔥

KIM CLEMENT foresees "Q" & "A"nons
in June 2012
“The vision of wickedness & impending danger
is due to some device hidden in a place
unknown to the present Intelligence,
this is what I have to tell you
& maybe even ignored.
In other words ‘Oh that’s not important.’
& the weapon that is in this human mind
came to me
when I saw
I saw some letters.
At first I thought it was
A to Z
Now this is a puzzle to me right now
but God said to me
so that the message can be unfolded.
that’s all I saw.
And he said
‘That’s where it’s at.’” 🙏💞🇺🇸🦅🌹

Pepe Lives Matter🐸 Telegram video clip

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Kerry Carlson @FramersIntents
30 April, 11:07
In response Starry Peacock to her Publication
BCBS, and never needing it, just paying for it, is one reason I have debt. Doctor Kickbacks. Will doctors be arrested for lying about Covid and putting families through so much suffering, which won't end? I fear for the kids sitting in masks all day in school and their future. Med Beds can't get here soon enough.

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Pam Truth @pam65
30 April, 06:13
In response 777ichae7 777arti77 - Z to his Publication
chemtrailing needs to be stopped

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Robby Ball @perfectsliders
30 April, 08:57
The Swan embracing the veterinarian who saved his life ❤️

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r363l l10n @r363ll10n
30 April, 05:36
Private School with 300 students in Miami wont allow VACCINATED Teachers near the students 😇

Centner Academy outlined its controversial policy in a letter to parents, encouraging faculty and staff to hold off on being vaccinated "until there is further research available." Those who do wish to be vaccinated are asked to wait until the end of the school year.

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Nancy Dyan @LightHolder113
30 April, 05:29
In response STL Anon to his Publication
Sadly, we can even take it a step further. They also, in many cases, create the illness as well.

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STL Anon @STLAnon
30 April, 05:25

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Yol Ubsa @yolsync
30 April, 04:29

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777ichae7 777arti77 - Z @PegasusWarrior
28 March, 11:52
Evergreen International - CIA FRONT company for chemtrail operations arms dealing.
Article Here.

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Mystical Mrs @MysticalMrs
30 April, 01:07

Maricopa County officials are scanning the audited ballots with UV light

Exactly one year ago on April 24th, Trump mentioned “killing the invisible enemy with UV light”

This is evidence suggesting watermarks & blockchain coding to protect paper ballots

This video was released shortly after by a former high ranking government official named Steve Pieczenik (look him up his background is impressive)

It appears that it’s all coming together now...


👉 greatawakeningworld
Please share the world!

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white light @prOjectWhiteLIght
29 April, 03:03
In response TrQth PQtriQt17~Z to her Publication
that's why they want us 6 feet apart 🤷‍♂️ but they underestimate the power of the heart and the Divine Spark in ALL of us ❤️

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teresa lioness @lionessSouthAfrica
29 April, 01:51
Forwarded from

Thank you ElmerFudd50!

This is a good reminder.

I believe 99.17% Starlink will be utilized.

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Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! @Jimbo0566
28 April, 12:00

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Spirit & Truth @Cath2344
29 April, 11:10

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Headless17 4.45/19th @Headless17
28 April, 07:15
In response McKinsey Ouid to her Publication

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