23 November, 09:49
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Patriot AztekJade
23 November, 11:10
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Cathy Eck
09 November, 11:21
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15 October, 10:07
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_d3nn @n0n
15 October, 10:24
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Cathy Eck
30 September, 12:50
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Cathy Eck
30 September, 12:50
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Cathy Eck
30 September, 12:48
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Cathy Eck
30 September, 12:48
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wht 2.0
23 September, 11:52
Molecular biologist testifying on the "covid" experimental gene therapy shots and the Nuremburg Code

Truth Bomb!
Gina Gold (Molecular Biologist) at City of Dawson Creek British Columbia regular meeting of council - Sep 02, 2021
https://www.librti.com/page/view-video?id=866Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
Cathy Eck
14 September, 01:21
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pan axxxa
12 September, 12:05
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Yol Ubsa
11 September, 11:01
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Julie Casey
01 September, 10:13
The Military is still blowing up DUMBS around the World . A 33 foot deep dumb under Lake Tahoe as many small earthquakes are felt , may the fires [they] created burn it all down. Humanity can not move forward until all of these tunnels have been destroyed . Nuclear reactors under the three gorges dam have been flooded with mud its happening and people know even know it .
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Lisa Groenewoud
28 August, 08:01
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Sparks N123
21 August, 08:27
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Disclosure Library
20 August, 09:17
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19 August, 11:17
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r363l l10n
19 August, 11:42
🔴What Could Go Wrong? Surprise! CA Democrats Are Cheating
California voter demonstrates how the mail-in ballot in the Gavin Newsom Recall Election is designed to help Democrats steal the election
TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
California voter demonstrates how the mail-in ballot in the Gavin Newsom Recall Election is designed to help Democrats steal the election
TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
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19 August, 11:40
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r363l l10n
15 August, 10:22
🔴Hold up. Ok, smart people...how is this explained? I'm not saying Joe's not at *president sleep away camp but look at the times for London and Moscow. Others on TWTR have commented that right NOW there's only a 2 hour difference in time zone, not 3 hours between the 2 cities. Is this entire wall faked?
🔵These clocks match up to Feb 15, the last time he was there.
H/t scuba Mike
🔵These clocks match up to Feb 15, the last time he was there.
H/t scuba Mike
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Cathy Eck
15 August, 10:26
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audrey cooke
11 August, 07:56
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Cathy Eck
12 August, 10:25
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Cathy Eck
12 August, 10:24
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Art Ledoux
30 July, 09:45
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r363l l10n
28 July, 09:55
🔴It's bad enough the multibillion-dollar illegal alien racket run by Catholic Charities puts "welcoming the (border-jumping) stranger" above America's own homeless, jobless, veterans, Native Americans and poor. But for federally funded Catholic Charities and Biden officials to work together to undermine our borders and open our doors to hordes of maskless COVID-19-carrying trespassers flouting our laws—as we citizens suffer under unceasing pandemic oppression—is unholy treachery.

Michelle Malkin: COVID-19, Catholics and Illegal Alien Charities | Articles | VDARE.com
It seems there's no sanctuary from draconian mas...
https://vdare.com/articles/michelle-malkin-covid-19-catholics-and-illegal-alien-charitiesNotice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
28 July, 09:58
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P.Q.Anon PCP
28 July, 10:00
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