Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
11 January, 10:51
Schiff is the latest to call for closing Gitmo.
But it's still open & EXPANDING.
New court house, evidence room, harbor... 💥

Juan O Savin
When I spoke in Vegas I challenged Biden & crew:
If you’re actually in charge & running things
you’ve said over & over how Gitmo has to be closed..
Well close it!
If you’re really President, you can do an Exec Order..
And if you can’t give that order
& make that happen with the most critical part of the Military
YOU don’t actually call the shots.
YOU must NOT BE truly Commander-in-Chief at the top level.
You must not have the power of the purse
over at congress, Nancy..
She came out real big a while ago
“Let’s get rid of Space Force!!”
OK Nancy. Go ahead & defund it..
She recognizes the threat in that branch of the service
which BTW was the last branch to present their data
on March 11, 2021
when the vote for Commander-in-Chief was decided.
Space Force was the last one to present
& the decision was unanimous —Trump.” 🇺🇸

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Karen Browning @Kbbb
11 January, 11:27
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
WHOA…You can't drop a MOAB like this and not explain. What have I missed? March 11, 2021, a vote was held for Commander in Chief?

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Kat istheSea3 @KatistheSea3
🇺🇸 1-6-22 Juan O Savin
“Trump is still ‘president’ because he wasn’t impeached.
Is he THE president? No.
Congress appoints a president..
Congress certifies the vote amongst the Electoral College.
Congress decided that Biden gets to be president.
That is on the Executive branch of government..
On the Military side,
this is a really really important point:
The Commander-in-Chief is recognized
by the outgoing Commander-in-Chief & the baton is passed.
The Commander-in-Chief is acknowledged, after 1954,
related to changes in the way we did things
because of nuclear weapons & WMDs beyond nuclear,
THAT position is NOT appointed by Congress.”

😼 On March 11, 2021,
after ALL the branches of the U.S. Military
did their own investigations
they recognized President Trump
as the legitimate LEGAL winner of the 2020 Election
& unanimously voted him Commander-in-Chief 🎖️
11:06 AM - Jan 12, 2022
In response Karen Browning to her Publication
Only people mentioned by KatistheSea3 in this post can reply
Darlene Sully @JDSully
13 January, 03:49
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
One more fact is that Trump never conceded. As Commander and chief Trump holds the high ground. Which is important in any War.

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
13 January, 07:25
In response Darlene Sully to her Publication
👍 Ty, Darlene. That's a very important point.
No reason he should —
HE WON the 2020 Presidential Election!! 💪😼🇺🇸🦅💥

👇 t.me/RealDonaldoTrumpo

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Karen Browning @Kbbb
13 January, 01:21
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
Kat, you're an angel for explaining this! I knew there was some indication that Pres. Trump was still Commander in Chief (ex knew that the nuclear codes were not handed over to Biden, etc., but never understood the precedent. Hmm, so why was my military son coerced to take the shot? Is Gen. Floyd Austin (I think that's his name) under separate authority? I need to rresearch this…Wow, Kat, thanks!

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
13 January, 09:29
In response Karen Browning to her Publication
Ty, Karen 💞

To answer your question,
there are several branches of the government.
The Executive Side is congress, the courts, the presidency,
the justice dept. Secret Service & Treasury.
So, technically, Biden IS President
& those in the Military who take orders from him
are forcing the VAX.

Q The Storm Rider, verifying Juan, posted:
"Trump is Commander-in-Chief
& 77% of the Generals are flying with him."

So not the entire Military, yet.
Remember — every aspect of America has been infiltrated
by the deep state demon bloodlines
& those Military who are on the CCP payroll
are forcing the vax on our brave Soldiers.
But many are resisting.

I pray this vax business will be over soon 🙏
Then it's onto the public trials,
all good & wondrous things!! ☺️


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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jane Doe✔️ @Janedoe17
12 January, 09:38
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Jack Seitzinger @Jrseitzinger
12 January, 12:30
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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Kat istheSea3 donated @KatistheSea3
12 January, 12:37
In response Jack Seitzinger to his Publication

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