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TheBest isYet2Come
15 December, 01:39
In response Freedom Foxtrot to his Publication
The things to look into are PH balance, alkalinity (versus acidity). When the balance is off and the acidity in the body is higher it means there is less oxygen and that inflames the cells. I would cut sugar, cut meat protein until that balance was back... I would look into Vitamin B17 (banned in the USA.... but is available via ebay etc)....
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Judy Anonette
15 December, 03:38
In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication
I have been reading about alkaline benefits, why in the world would B17 not be available in the US unless it is a solution and big pharma can't stand the competition? I do believe there are probably many answers that can help cancer patients that have been blocked by the evil ones.
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TheBest isYet2Come
15 December, 03:57
In response Judy Anonette to her Publication
Big Pharma is so evil... they have been banning anything and everything that heals.... because if people are well they don't make money.👺👺 Yes, B17 is available in other countries but not here. Even Amazon that likes to boast selling Everything won't sell it... because Amazon is one with the enemy. B17 has Amygdalin. Have you heard "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well, see the Apple Logo.... notice how the core is intact but the rest of the fruit gets eaten? Funny thing is ... it is the Core that is the part of the apple that keeps the doctor away.... the Seeds! That is what carries that Amygdalin. It is also in apricot seeds etc. It is in small quantities... but we are brainwashed since birth. It ALL is super sickening.
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Thank you, I am so disgusted with the health care system here, it is set up so that people take pills instead of eating right and using natural foods. This is very interesting! Thank you!
05:00 PM - Dec 15, 2021
In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication
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TheBest isYet2Come
15 December, 07:55
In response Judy Anonette to her Publication
Me too... want to build my health to become totally independent of them. I have had an autoimmune issue since their rubella vaccine 25 years ago but don't take any any meds and only do the vitamin d and zinc and magnesium and NAC. Never trusted them.. and they disgust me too. Stay natural, safe and well🙏🤗
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Judy Anonette
16 December, 08:50
In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication
Good for you, no meds for me, I refuse to comply with orders to take this or that because blood work might show a trivial point off of somebody's ratings. Some of those meds only cause more and more trouble and that is their whole agenda. Thank you!
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