EWillHelpYou on Telegram: Engagement metrics are way up, that means one thing: we are winning. This means controlled opposition will undoubtedly be utilized in attempts to distract and divide you. Be smarter than the enemy, and stay united in our common cause. You've all seen this routine before. Anytime something becomes a real threat to the Deep State, no resource is spared to smear, degrade; and divide people. Keep this lesson in mind: When they cannot smear the message, they will smear the messenger. This is the enemy's only course of action left, and will reveal to you who represents their forces from within. Be wise, and expect them. Be cunning, and overcome them. Stay united, and win. Shoulder to shoulder, sheep no more.
Telegram: Contact @TheOfficialE
Engagement metrics are way up, that means one thing: we are winning. This means controlled opposition will undoubtedly be utilized in attempts to distract and divide you. Be smarter than the enemy, and stay united in our common cause. You've all seen this routine before. Anytime something become..
02:25 PM - Jul 16, 2021
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