Dr. Judy Mikovits has hinted there is a treatment for the synthetic prion in the vax: a natural ingredient in pine needles, SURAMIN, which has been used in other viral diseases with effect, and this drug helps stop the massive clotting and bleeding experienced by women.
“Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin (“the elist’s antidote” to microbial illnesses) – and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion … Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification.
“Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin (“the elist’s antidote” to microbial illnesses) – and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion … Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification.

Anitdote To The Contagion - Here’s An Effective Way To Guard Against The Spike Protein - Blog Post #1173 - Natural Remedy From The Field of Master Mind Herbs (M..
Read this article to discover the antidote to the contagion spike protein and how you can prevent it from mutating in your body and causing blood clots.
08:16 AM - May 19, 2021
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