Johnny Q -Z
14 March, 05:07

Strange earthquake waves rippled around Earth, and nobody knows why
Instruments picked up the seismic waves more than 10,000 miles away—but bizarrely, nobody felt them. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Flicka Boo
14 March, 05:46
In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication
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Only people mentioned by diggero2 in this post can reply
Flicka Boo
14 March, 06:36
In response Diggero NeverGivesUp to her Publication
Can you please articulate your question a little bit more useful? Questionmarks don't really tell me what you have questions about. 11.11.2018 a mysterious mayonette wave was detected that rang the world like a bell. According to Q it was an activated moments for 17 seconds. Q says think waves! Whatever caused this wave was CLAS Tech that was forced online and knocked out satellites! During that time the Schumann Resonance had intense White Spikes that kept ongoing for more than 24 hours. THIS is what Q is suggesting! A Spiritual Wave that is not an earthquake but is able to ring the world like a bell!
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Johnny Q -Z
14 March, 07:02
In response Flicka Boo to her Publication
WW - "Watch the Water". Multiple meanings. Portal opened, person who would be back in 2018, 58 YO involved in some way.
Also, think reversing CERN portal.
Also, think reversing CERN portal.
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