Just wanted to share some things what had circled in my minda a last couple of days after seeing a lot of videos and news in Telegram and here. I want to say that I am now 100% confident that good guys has the power. Think about it, if China Xi and Russia Putin are our allienses then we have a huge power. Also if China is in our side, then it gives totally different meaning for chinese troops in Canada. If we use holograms and doubles, then it means all bad guys are gone. If dems had the power they want us to believe, then why Cuomo may face impeachment and Newsome recall? Don't you think that all their crimes had swept under the carpet, if dems has the power? I remember when Trump told in one speech in the warehouse that he must to go away for a certain amount of time because he has very rich and powerful enemies, maybe the time out was starting January 20th till impeachment was over, as he was totally quiet this period of time. This all make me very confident that We Have The Power
01:27 PM - Feb 19, 2021
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