Ron The Best is Yet to Come
02 March, 07:45
This was Hillary’s arrest day so think about this:
Biden was executed in 2019 so both 2016 and 2020 Trump ran unopposed-needed to win 2016 but was actually installed by the military
Trump went right to work in 2017 traveling country to country forcing them ALL to capitulate-in 2020 he had to step back out of the light and the sting was set for all the politicians and the deep state. Then the Brandon shit show began to wake up sheep and to make the 10mm that voted Biden sick that they did. After all we have seen many are still asleep thus Q tells us a scare event is necessary and so it shall be done. The sooner we get to the event the sooner the switch is flipped. Hold the line it's coming
Biden was executed in 2019 so both 2016 and 2020 Trump ran unopposed-needed to win 2016 but was actually installed by the military
Trump went right to work in 2017 traveling country to country forcing them ALL to capitulate-in 2020 he had to step back out of the light and the sting was set for all the politicians and the deep state. Then the Brandon shit show began to wake up sheep and to make the 10mm that voted Biden sick that they did. After all we have seen many are still asleep thus Q tells us a scare event is necessary and so it shall be done. The sooner we get to the event the sooner the switch is flipped. Hold the line it's coming
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Nothing to see here.. just a staggering old hag.. doin the shake and shimmy as the kuru eats away at her wicked brain and her handlers toss her in the van like a sack of feed.
Rot in Hell, Bitch.
Rot in Hell, Bitch.
09:52 PM - Mar 02, 2023
In response Ron The Best is Yet to Come to his Publication
Only people mentioned by Pike_Bishop in this post can reply
Robert Franz
03 March, 08:52
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
Folks Hillary was suffering from Kuru disease, you get it from eating human flesh / cannibalism. I saw her video, she truly was a satanic witch.
The REAL Hillary was executed at GITMO.
The REAL Hillary was executed at GITMO.
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Robert Franz
03 March, 08:55
In response Robert Franz to his Publication
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Ron The Best is Yet to Come
04 March, 08:01
In response Robert Franz to his Publication
Hillary was one of the most evil people of my lifetime hanging her was much too easy an out imo
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The Qake Lady
03 March, 08:35
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
My question is, who is the driver that makes her look his way and then she drops like a rock..?? Jr?? 🔥😉
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Qs Pawn4- Z17
03 March, 08:26
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
Watching that once a month is good thereapy!🥸
LOOKING FORWARD to seeing it rerun all day on all MSN channels with those oh so shocked anchors are reading the real story before they follow her to the gallows.
LOOKING FORWARD to seeing it rerun all day on all MSN channels with those oh so shocked anchors are reading the real story before they follow her to the gallows.
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Lisa Daigle
03 March, 07:44
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
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Lisa Daigle
03 March, 07:42
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
Look closely = She is handcuffed behind her back👀👀👀👀
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Crumb Catcher
03 March, 06:34
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
I see handcuffs behind her back
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Robin Brubakken
03 March, 06:31
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
She looks lika an android short circuiting...
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Yuri Stauffenberg
03 March, 06:04
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Kolaps Clintonové natočil hasič z Česka. Jeho video obletělo svět |
Čech žijící v USA je autorem videa kolabující Hillary Clintonové, které přebírají světová média. Zdeněk Gažda pochází z jihomoravské Lednice a než odešel za oceán, pracoval jako hasič. Proto šel při výročí útoků z 11. září vzdát hold zesnulým hasičům a náhodou se ocitl v blízkosti kandidátky na prez.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Mike Anon
03 March, 05:42
In response Pike Bishop to his Publication
"You're under have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law..."
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The Qake Lady
03 March, 08:36
In response Mike Anon to his Publication
Said Jr...the driver.. LOL LOL 🔥💥
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