TheBest isYet2Come
19 December, 05:48
Here is what i am thinking... and hoping! The big "catastrophe", I HOPE, is when the Brunson Case wins by SCOTUS ruling all licenses of all 388 members of Congress/Fake President/Fake VP are revoked, and they are removed. That IS something that will be mindblowing and earth-shaking... massive. Imagine! No government! Chaos WILL follow... and then comes the military and the 10 days of darkness with no internet (ish)... I hope Starlink or whatever keeps us connected... at least here on Anonup. I am JUST thinking out loud. I hope the catastrophe won't be a tsunami or earth quakes or bombs and such... Let us pray! The people of the earth could use no more SUCH catastrophes....🙏💗
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Law & Physics
More about state national. Remedy is Due Process of law to get the relief demanded. Relief from financial coercion. Relief from criminal attacks, crimes taking place, trespasses of
10:00 PM - Dec 19, 2022
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