Doq Holliday
30 September, 01:29
We are all put on different paths for different purposes.
Never question the path God has put you on.
You’re on it to accomplish His will.
Never question the path God has put you on.
You’re on it to accomplish His will.
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Auntie_M 369
30 September, 04:43
In response Doq Holliday to his Publication
We are all put on different paths for different purposes.
Never question the path God has put you on.
You’re on it to accomplish His will.=1400
Eleven Eleven Everywhere Signaling Like A Flag Trying To Get My
Attention As If I Were At A Crossroads Of Some Kind As If An Announcement Or A Warning=1400
Deuteronomy. It Is Mine To Avenge. I Will Repay In Due Time. Their Foot Will Slip. Their Day Of Disaster Is Near And Their Doom Rushes Upon Them=1400
Then After Dismissing The Crowds He Went Into The House. His Disciples Came To Him And Said Explain To Us The Illustration Of The Weeds In The Field=1400
In A Moment. In The Blink Of An Eye During The Last Trumpet. For The Trumpet Will Sound And The Dead Will Be Raised Up Incorruptible And We Will Be Changed=1400
These Rapture Preachers Are Extremely Evil. Some Of Them. The People Need To Look Up The Definition Of Rapture And Also Study
The Word Closer=1400
5 Pics
Never question the path God has put you on.
You’re on it to accomplish His will.=1400
Eleven Eleven Everywhere Signaling Like A Flag Trying To Get My
Attention As If I Were At A Crossroads Of Some Kind As If An Announcement Or A Warning=1400
Deuteronomy. It Is Mine To Avenge. I Will Repay In Due Time. Their Foot Will Slip. Their Day Of Disaster Is Near And Their Doom Rushes Upon Them=1400
Then After Dismissing The Crowds He Went Into The House. His Disciples Came To Him And Said Explain To Us The Illustration Of The Weeds In The Field=1400
In A Moment. In The Blink Of An Eye During The Last Trumpet. For The Trumpet Will Sound And The Dead Will Be Raised Up Incorruptible And We Will Be Changed=1400
These Rapture Preachers Are Extremely Evil. Some Of Them. The People Need To Look Up The Definition Of Rapture And Also Study
The Word Closer=1400
5 Pics
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I appreciate this. The whole thing is mind boggling trying to figure out it's place in prophecy. One small thing though, rapture is not a word in the Bible. The "caught up" and "meet him in the air" confuses me. Greek word is harpazo. 🤷🏻♀️
05:09 PM - Sep 30, 2022
In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication
Only people mentioned by RRLeath in this post can reply
Auntie_M 369
30 September, 05:34
In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication
This explains "caught up" and "meet him in the air".
Best explanation i've seen so far.
Best explanation i've seen so far.

Can "We Shall Meet the Lord in the Air" Be Accomplished?
We all hope to meet the Lord in the air and believe this is being raptured. But do you know what the rapture truly means? Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Daughter Of The King
30 September, 06:17
In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication
I have considered that being caught up could be our transformation to our new body when we see him. Jesus could appear and disappear in thin air in his risen body. (I disagree with the author that Paul's words are not Scriptural or our Sovereign God would not allowed his letters in his Holy Word. No mistakes with God. And after all Paul did not use the word rapture.) We cant know exactly what will happen but we do know it will be exactly as the Word says. :) Even the Pharisees who knew the law and prophets inside out did not recognize Jesus when he came!
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Auntie_M 369
30 September, 05:21
In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication
Just digging into the mis-translations of the words. Quite enlightening! Praise the Lord! 🙏
Therefore from the prophecy of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Clouds of Heaven, we know these clouds to represent an “ARMY OF THE LORD” “A CHOSEN PEOPLE” “PRIESTS TO BLOW TRUMPETS AS THEY GO ABOUT IN WAR WITH THE LAMB”.
Therefore from the prophecy of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Clouds of Heaven, we know these clouds to represent an “ARMY OF THE LORD” “A CHOSEN PEOPLE” “PRIESTS TO BLOW TRUMPETS AS THEY GO ABOUT IN WAR WITH THE LAMB”.
The Mystery of the Clouds of Heaven. Teaching by Prophet Duncan Theo Mghendi
A blog on Yeshua Hamashiach: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396