JesusIsThe SonOfGod @JesusIsTheSonOfGod
18 March, 11:40

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Dennis Young @Scorpiat
17 March, 08:45

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Spar Hawk @Sparhawk60
19 March, 12:26

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18 March, 10:57
Enjoy the night patriots.

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UM EK17 Q1111 @GaDawg3
18 March, 11:02 (E)
John 8:32
King James Version
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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Aus Sco @eaglesoar5252
16 March, 10:57
In response Ask Yourself to her Publication
I am good with Charges of TREASON. ARREST, CONVICT, and EXECUTE America

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Ask Yourself @AskYourself_45
10 March, 07:58
Repurposed that taxpayer funded app, so he did 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
An app which is already loaded onto all their phones, so it is 🤣🤣🤣
I needed this bit of real and raw ironic humor in my day…
They just walked RIGHT INTO Trump's TRAP. - YouTube

This is how it's done, folks. ▼Click▼➤Twitter:➤Facebook:➤Instagram: ...

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
05 March, 07:45

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Harold Holman donated @Ready88
04 March, 10:59
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication
I predict that half of the IRS are criminals, and the rest are minions and fake Bot paychecks.

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Joelle Clista @Patriotsandthelike
04 March, 11:23

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Oʼ Boy WTF @V_Anon
28 February, 12:09

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Camille Faith @CamilleFaith082917
26 February, 10:57

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Kim Runner donated @kimrunner
26 February, 12:43

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Ask Yourself @AskYourself_45
23 February, 09:44
Best news I heard allllllll day 💪

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Dimitri Anon @Spartan
23 February, 10:07
Awesome! He deserves it!

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Bee Bee @BxAx17
14 February, 05:11
He knows things and stuff 😎

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Crystal Iannacone @Matriot
14 February, 05:20

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Caterina Sunburts R @CaterinaSunburts
12 February, 08:03

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12 February, 04:26
Dr. Fauci must be declared a biological terrorist who betrayed his country. Anything less is failure.

Ezra A. Cohen

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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
12 February, 04:45

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
10 February, 09:48

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
10 February, 06:07

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
10 February, 06:19

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Raymond ....... @Twitmo4life
10 February, 10:03

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real dank magadonian @deplorablemagadonian
10 February, 10:08

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Carole Parnell donated @MagaMutt
03 February, 09:48

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Truth Seeker @JacksRule
03 February, 08:30

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Elizabeth Sylvia @Kellie
31 January, 07:07

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Silver Cat @silvercat
19 January, 10:27

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Authentic Citizen @Socrates
21 January, 03:08

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