White Castle @EbenezerE
04 November, 02:02 (E)
Hello frens and family all across the globe. I pray that your countenance is as strong as your faith and that your patience may endure through these dark times. I thank God for each and every one of you as we work together on this project of monumental scale to awaken many while becoming a stumbling block to the synagogue of satan.

This is an important time as those who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie will make a power move to deceive many (Philadelphia).

Also consider Matthew 8:11-12 when Jesus states "And I say to you, that many shall come from east and west, and recline at the table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven; but the SONS OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE CAST OUT INTO THE OUTER DARKNESS; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

These sons of the kingdom are the synagogue who believe they are God's chosen people and gladly kill, rape, and eat the goyim because they believe we are cattle. #wwg1wga #GodWins #GREATAWAKENIN

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White Castle @EbenezerE
01 July, 10:23
If "Arcturus’s proprietary LUNAR® technology can be used to deliver gene editing tools directly into target cells where they can edit out disease-causing mutations", then their gene editing tools can be delivered into target cells to edit whatever they want. #vaccine


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White Castle @EbenezerE
27 March, 11:18
Montero means huntsman.
Snow White

666 pairs made at $1,018
Luke 10:18 - "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."
Montero covers his right eye and uses stakes for plugs.
The picture frame here is assymmetrical, certainly by design.

Who is Montero?

The video is oozing with disgusting fornication and satanic imagery in which he seduces the devil before snapping his neck and stealing his horns, turning into the angel of darkness himself.

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