Black Lab
26 September, 07:44
Does anyone else get the feeling that a lot of these telegram channels are put out by the same people? They all seem to push the Trump coin (and there’s only 300 left!), and now the new thing is that the channel they’re pushing will go private “next week”.
Look at this one. I’m positive Mel Gibson’s english/grammer is better than this.
Look at this one. I’m positive Mel Gibson’s english/grammer is better than this.
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Black Lab
16 August, 08:25
"If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from an illness (children under 18), why would you inject them with a poison death-shot?"

Zelenko (Trump's Doctor) Tells Israel They Genocided the Jews & Just Sacrificed Their Kids to Moloch
I'm sure there are many Israelis who were complicit in carrying out the Greatest Crime Against Humanity the world has ever seen, but whoever these elders are, they look genuinely surprised to learn ab Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
alleybear 369
03 August, 08:00
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03 August, 07:07

YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped
Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Co… Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
jc8 888
07 July, 09:36
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Patty Malek
01 July, 07:52
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Black Lab
17 June, 06:57
We need to share the h-e-double hockey sticks out of this. This is a screen recordingof the actual video, so it should fly under the radar.
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Black Lab
15 June, 08:42
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Black Lab
14 June, 10:46
I simply replied to someone posting that G7 photo going around which shows the back of Trumps head at the table. It’s going around as if from this year, when its really from 2019.
I guess even here, some people dont like the truth.
I guess even here, some people dont like the truth.
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Cussin Christian
25 May, 11:16
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Black Lab
28 April, 11:14
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Black Lab
12 April, 07:43
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Black Lab
12 April, 07:11
Just posted this on FB...trying to help the sleepers wake up...
“Just putting this out there. Why would she fake it? Tell me I’m wrong.
Look at seconds 15 to 16.
If a needle goes in, it has to come out. If a needle is IN your arm, the syringe cannot slide up half an inch when pulling the “needle” back out.
I took this vid from YouTube, zoomed in and slowed it down myself with screen recording.
Again, tell me I’m wrong.”
Of course I was fact-checked in a matter of seconds. 🤣
“Just putting this out there. Why would she fake it? Tell me I’m wrong.
Look at seconds 15 to 16.
If a needle goes in, it has to come out. If a needle is IN your arm, the syringe cannot slide up half an inch when pulling the “needle” back out.
I took this vid from YouTube, zoomed in and slowed it down myself with screen recording.
Again, tell me I’m wrong.”
Of course I was fact-checked in a matter of seconds. 🤣
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Wrath_ Eyez
05 April, 09:05
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01 April, 10:30
In response Nunya Effin Bizness to her Publication
When you can predict the future - time stops -😎 and a n interview has happened - walk or talk - up to you.
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