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Any member of "law" enforcement trying to enforce repugnant law's become oath violator's and are traitor's not heroes.
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Defeated by Vitellius' troops at Bedriacum, Otho commits suicide.
Pelagius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.
The Norman Robert Guiscard takes Bari, ending five centuries of Byzantine rule in southern Italy.
Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton.
Prince Charles is defeated at the Battle of Culloden, the last pitched battle fought in Britain.
The U.S. Senate ratifies the Rush-Bagot amendment to form an unarmed U.S.-Canada border.
San Salvador is destroyed by an earthquake.
Confederate President Jefferson Davis approves a conscription act for white males between 18 and 35.
Slavery is abolished in the District of Columbia.
Vladimir Lenin returns to Russia to start the Bolshevik Revolution.
Annie Oakley shoots 100 clay targets in a row, setting a woman's record.
The Island of Malta is awarded the George Cross in recognition for heroism under constant German air attack. It was the
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On April 16, 2007, 32 people died after being gunned down on the campus of Virginia Tech by Seung-Hui Cho, a student at the college who later died by suicide.
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Telegram: Contact @JuanQSeven
Jen to Selena Gomez ~"You've been to my house. We've had ?. Girl after my own PART, heart. Boy do we love a pizza or what. It's so much fun". ?? Jennifer Aniston > Popular in ALL Hollywood circles = ??? Jen Anniston < Reese Witherspoon + Hillary Clinton & CEO of Wayfa.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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12 Clinton Whistleblowers Found ‘Hanging From Doorknobs’ – Nwo Report
Source: Nworeport A CIA agent claims the recent spate of celebrity ‘suicides’ all bear the hallmarks of a professional hit job, designed to silence others from going public with damaging political information. Following the death of CNN reporter Anthony Boudain last week, former agent Robert David S.. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Israeli Army Caught Running Massive Pedophile Ring - Media Blackout
Several members of the Israeli army were arrested over the weekend, charged with running a massive pedophile ring in Colombia. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
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True Story.
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