Violetta Magnolia
17 May, 03:39
Look at this.....EVIL itself talks in the form of whoever is acting as Biden at moment...same old Accuse others of what you are guilty of-same old projection, framing, false accusations, scapegoating of those you want to deem dangerous/as terrorists - the white race/Caucasians who are the real descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel - spread out to Europe from Caucacus mountains...
EVIL all around...I guess fake Biden is right when he says 'Evil will not win'...he is partaking in EVIL and he has already lost-on the losing side with satan.
'Evil will not win, I promise you': In Buffalo, Biden condemns racism, mourns victims
In remarks in Buffalo, President Biden said, "hate will not prevail, white supremacy will not have the last word.”
EVIL all around...I guess fake Biden is right when he says 'Evil will not win'...he is partaking in EVIL and he has already lost-on the losing side with satan.
'Evil will not win, I promise you': In Buffalo, Biden condemns racism, mourns victims
In remarks in Buffalo, President Biden said, "hate will not prevail, white supremacy will not have the last word.”
'Evil will not win, I promise you': In Buffalo, Biden condemns racism, mourns victims | National News |
In remarks in Buffalo, President Biden said, "hate will not prevail, white supremacy will not have the last word.” Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
This is a clear case of a new level of increasing False Flags...some involve actual victims others, no one dies and all are acting (or some)-paid disaster/crisis actors/actresses.
03:39 PM - May 17, 2022
In response Violetta Magnolia to her Publication
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