Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics | Katy Ch..
Exactly how much money does a human’s conscience cost? According to this campaign finance database, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Rep. Dade Phelan have collectively received $2.47 million in campaign contributions from Border Health PAC and Friends of UT Southwestern Medi..
https://katychristianmagazine.com/2022/02/16/abbott-patrick-and-phelan-shut-down-child-protection-bills-after-taking-2-47-million-from-pacs-affiliated-with-pediatric-gender-modification-clinics/Notice: Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/anonup.com/themes/default/apps/timeline/post.phtml on line 396
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