Great message by patriot, prophet, and Q follower -- Johnny Enlow! (Joined in late today on YouTube, and after about five minutes of listening, the whole video shut down in the middle of their interview. Found it on Rumble and am finishing it now.)
Join us this FRIDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Johnny Enlow — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on Dec. 3, at 11 AM Pacific Time. Johnny will be discussing fresh, prophetic intel, including how to navigate through th
12:31 AM - Dec 04, 2021
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Patriot Sam
04 December, 02:43
In response Patriot Sam to her Publication
~1:17:00, Johnny Enlow talks about Quantum physics. Really fascinating...
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Patriot Sam
04 December, 02:18
In response Patriot Sam to her Publication
And ~47:05, Johnny Enlow said the Deep State has always targeting blacks -- and injected AIDS and other diseases into Africa -- and that that people group will receive justice for what's been done to them.
~49:50, he talks about child trafficking and that that will be stopped. Then he discusses all the recent resignations -- including the head of the Child Protective Services in L.A. And he mentions Joan Rivers.
~49:50, he talks about child trafficking and that that will be stopped. Then he discusses all the recent resignations -- including the head of the Child Protective Services in L.A. And he mentions Joan Rivers.
DCFS again at crossroads as director departs amid child deaths - Los Angeles Times
The sudden resignation of Bobby Cagle caps a tumultuous period for the nation's largest child protection agency and will force L.A. County leaders to grapple with major policy questions. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396
Patriot Sam
04 December, 02:06
In response Patriot Sam to her Publication
~43:00, "The world rule by Secret Societies is coming to an end."
And before that, Johnny Enlow talked about the Rothchilds and the banking system collapsing, and that the banking reset that's in process even now behind the scenes is going to be wonderful. The IRS will be dissolved, etc. Wow.
And before that, Johnny Enlow talked about the Rothchilds and the banking system collapsing, and that the banking reset that's in process even now behind the scenes is going to be wonderful. The IRS will be dissolved, etc. Wow.
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Patriot Sam
04 December, 01:58
In response Patriot Sam to her Publication
They just said that with one "strike," they won't be allowed to to livestream or upload videos for one week (except maybe the two they have for the weekend that they already have waiting to go). So, next week, they said to watch Elijah Streams on their FB page or on Rumble. So ridiculous. But signs that the rats are running around scared as you-know-what. GOOD!!
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Patriot Sam
04 December, 01:54
In response Patriot Sam to her Publication
Wow. At ~40:25, the technician stops the interview to say that YouTube took down the live interview and that they received a "community strike" against them. This is really getting wild seeing how frightened the DS is now. Johnny had been talking about all sorts of things, like Epstein Island, the Luciferians, China, and about what God is doing and getting ready to do, etc. Very interesting to find out that the Marxists have been listening to Johnny on Elijah Streams. If he hadn't been speaking truth, they wouldn't have paid any attention. Aren't they stupid? Overplaying their hand. That's okay. The interview went to Rumble. YouTube is going crazy lately. Listen when you have a chance. It's long, but it's really, really good.👊🔥💥⚡
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