RT’d by Sidney Powell: "...a SECRET SOCIETY...a group that was holding secret meetings offsite...there's so much smoke here..." - Senator Ron Johnson, 9-17-20.
Both President Trump & Sidney Powell have long been warning about the presence of cults, especially within the DNC.
Emerald Robinson, Newsmax, Mar 12 2021: "The California Department of Education is now trying to reintroduce the worship of pagan gods into public schools because praying to God is bad but praying to Aztec idols of human sacrifice is just fine for liberals." in response to: "California proposes curriculum on Aztec god honored by human sacrifice" - New York Post, Mar 11 2021
Richard Grenell, former Director of National Intelligence, Mar 28 2021: "Do we get the mark on our foreheads or hands?!" in response to: "Biden admin is set to launch a COVID19 passport that Americans must have to engage in commerce and would track Americans that took the vaccine (WaPo)" - DiscloseTV, Mar 28 2021
Sidney Powell, Atto
Both President Trump & Sidney Powell have long been warning about the presence of cults, especially within the DNC.
Emerald Robinson, Newsmax, Mar 12 2021: "The California Department of Education is now trying to reintroduce the worship of pagan gods into public schools because praying to God is bad but praying to Aztec idols of human sacrifice is just fine for liberals." in response to: "California proposes curriculum on Aztec god honored by human sacrifice" - New York Post, Mar 11 2021
Richard Grenell, former Director of National Intelligence, Mar 28 2021: "Do we get the mark on our foreheads or hands?!" in response to: "Biden admin is set to launch a COVID19 passport that Americans must have to engage in commerce and would track Americans that took the vaccine (WaPo)" - DiscloseTV, Mar 28 2021
Sidney Powell, Atto
FBI Pledge Allegiance to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Nation of Islam and New Black Panthers Protesters... - The Last Refuge
In a display of public unity with ‘The Movement’ writ large, FBI officials took a knee to declare their woke allegiance with the protesting mobs. With that visible display we now have a better understanding of the motives behind a history of FBI failures. Setting aside the optic that so..
08:30 AM - Aug 10, 2021
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