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I've just done energy work to revoke & cancel the effects of the vaccine for those who are not choosing to have it but being affected by it, especially the miscarriages going on.
I'm wondering what is going on in terms of Light and dark, the vaccine, deaths and what is intended for cleansing / evil wiping out good humanity?
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I have done everything I can to awaken my daughters but they just don't want to hear it. I brought them up to be open minded, out of the box & yet they are still mind programmed, it's heart breaking.
Re the vaccine, everyone has been lied to! They think it's a safe vaccine when we know it's not - that is brain washing and propaganda and not really freewill.
I recorded all the energy work so everyone can listen as often as they want to. It's all on Rumble with a Q&A too.

Pure Intentions - Claiming Sovereignty of Your Energy
Using Pure Creation / Natural Law to claim sovereignty of your energy Revoke harmful and unwanted energies from entering your energy field or physical body. Setting a Pure Intention of Sovereignty tha Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Repelling, Revoking & Cancelling Vaccine Energies
Using Pure Creation & Natural Law to repel & cancel harmful affects from vaccine energies, from other people or from vaccines you've had. Includes mis-carriage & blood clots. Listen 3 times DAILY www. Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396

Pure Intentions - Claiming Sovereignty of Your Energy
Using Pure Creation / Natural Law to claim sovereignty of your energy Revoke harmful and unwanted energies from entering your energy field or physical body. Setting a Pure Intention of Sovereignty tha Undefined index: tg1tga_access in /home/admin/www/ on line 396