Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 05:41

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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 07:10
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
if we are all one, there can be no separate ego...
it's just an idea, an illusion...

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 07:13
In response Kira Kju to his Publication
Process of Ascension though is losing the ego and becoming one. IMHO

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Kira Kju @kju17
is only here and now...
is not before, and is not then...
where can the ego be?
everything is just a figment of the mind...
we create reality ourselves...
the good, the bad, everything...
the question is how we can create our own personal reality, i.e. ego, when everything is one...
quantum physics and enlightenment are one...
both have a basic question: who am I?
but then another question arises: who is asking?
If we can express what Tao is, it is not Tao...
in meditation: if we hear some sounds, we see some images, we have some feelings, they are all figments of the mind...
If meditation is to remove all thoughts: how do we know that we have eliminated all thoughts?
If we realize that we have no thoughts - that's thought...
09:01 PM - Mar 15, 2025 (E)
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Only people mentioned by kju17 in this post can reply
Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:24
In response Kira Kju to his Publication

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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 09:26
In response Kris Williams to her Publication

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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 09:27
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
this is my basic source of knowledge...
almost twenty years...

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:23
In response Kira Kju to his Publication

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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 09:29
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
Jan Rak: Přítomný okamžik pohledem kvantového fyzika | Příznaky transformace ~ přednáška - YouTube

Příznaky transformace uvádějí: Přednáška profesora Jan Rak s tipy pro osobní rozvoj a duchovní vývoj. Video se mimo jiné týká témat: seberozvoj, radost ze ži...

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:23
In response Kira Kju to his Publication

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:22
In response Kira Kju to his Publication

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:11
In response Kira Kju to his Publication
And Union with self is where we have lost our ego and have joined back with Source/God/Oneness!

It doesn't mean you won't have thoughts, it just means with Union, you have to learn after Union to hold that pattern, hold the positivity and the Unconditional love.

See the Scale of Consciousness and The Emotional Scale... Same things...

Learning to Master our Emotions!!!

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:07
In response Kira Kju to his Publication

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:05
In response Kira Kju to his Publication
Also purpose of Twin Flames is to unite and become one. Non-Duality.

Acension is to become one with God.


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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 09:19
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
I think it's the same thing...
who is to unite with god?
everything is one and we are all one...
In my opinion, the final phase is a state where we are not aware of anything, we don't think anything, but at the same time we can't be aware of the fact that we are not aware of anything, that we don't think anything...
It sounds complicated, it's simple, because it's been that way for a long time...
only consciousness is constantly telling us something...
inside our bodies, which by the way don't exist either, there is an observer who observes everything through our senses, sight, hearing, smell... and consciousness...
It's a miracle to see that observer...
I managed to do that once, it took a millisecond, or less, or more, I don't know...
If there is no time, it could not last at all...
It was just here and now...
if it wasn't just a game of consciousness...

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Kris Williams @KrisWilliams
15 March, 09:04
In response Kira Kju to his Publication
Yes but that is part of 3D reality
We are moving to 4D and then 5D,
Ego is part of duality. Yin and Yang. IMHO

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Kira Kju @kju17
15 March, 09:08
In response Kris Williams to her Publication
yes, from this point of view it is...
but everything is an illusion... there is no reality...
that is, there is neither 3D, nor 4D, nor 5D... there's nothing...
there is no one to ask: who am I?
that's my knowledge...

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